@How’s Paws
We will be very glad if you join us on our patreon and facebook pages.
Thank you for watching
We are saving any soul that suffers alone and no one listens her groan, We have 87 street cats (different ages) some of them were run over cars and suffering from paralysis and some of them are blind some of them have diseases more complicated, And also we have 21 dogs.
Unfortunately we just have only our house with our Self-effort, We wish if we had an entire country to gathering all those innocent souls together, But if we had shelter that’s will be wonderful.
Actuality the situation is getting more difficult with each new case, but we cannot let any animal suffer, So we will continue, And we hope for your support.
God bless you
I didn't watch the video because i love animals so much. Just seeing him in the thumbnail broke my heart. I read the comments and , thank you for reaching this animal.
Live your best life. Cherish those who you love
Glad u helping the cat
Try taking it out the cage tho
Guaranteed to wrk out for the better 💯
No one wants to be held in captivity locked in a small cage
E poi? No perché pure a me è capitata la stessa cosa ma se non hai i mezzi economici per occuparti del randagio…( mi hanno chiesto 800€ per una risonanza) che fai? Se vivi sola, non puoi tenere il gatto perché hai un cane e tu non sei sempre a casa…che fai? Io purtroppo ho dovuto scegliere l'eutanasia ma avrei voluto dargli tutte le cure di cui necessitava ( non so se sarebbero servite, sia chiaro…e mai lo saprò…). Questo è un problema! Possibile non esista un asl veterinaria che si occupi dei randagi??? Si, mi direte esiste…vero, ma io vivo al nord e vi garantisco che l'asl veterinaria si occupa solo di sterilizzare le gatte di colonia, in numero limitato e nei tempi che loro stabiliscono! Capite che non è semplice…devi catturare una gatta randagia il giorno che stabiliscono i veterinari, portargliela, andarla a riprendere….se non sta bene devi occuparti tu dello stallo…non è facile se lavori e nessuno ti aiuta! Amiamo tanto gli animali…ma a me sembra che chi lo dice poi si occupi solo dei suoi di animali, magari perché di razza….e tutti questi poveretti abbandonati??? Servirebbero in ogni città servizi veterinari gratuiti solo per i randagi!
God bless you who care for those in need.
My pets love these videos btw cause everything I watch one I go pet and play with them after. ☺
It makes me so said that she was injuried and pray is recovers and hopefully she'll be able to walk again! God bless you that you took her in, got help for her, taking caring for her and showing her love ❤
Poor cat,good she found help.
Thank you for your kind heart❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Idk how this cat is doing today, but this video made me cry to see her suffering, and thankfully you stopped to help her. I have a kitten.. well he's almost a year old now and seeing videos w cats have made me more emotional and sensitive to other feline friends since owning my baby. I am hoping she's doing better. ❤ you are a sweet person for stopping to help. ❤❤❤❤ thank you for caring
you people are real heroes. Thank you for all you do.
Not all heroes wear capes.
So what happened to the cat
I can't imagine anyone making money by cruelty to animals which this is
Nope she's a u tuber making money.
So glad you were their to post this .ridiculious
Thank you for helping that cat!
This video is garbage… Do not watch… it has zero closure.
Oddio che pena 😢ma chi può averla ridotta così? È così dolce ❤
Es ist herzzereissend wenn man diese schrecklich Bilder sieht, aber auch , da es Menschen mit Herz gibt, danke
Poor little kitty. Thanks for helping her🙁
Thank you!!!!
Is there an update please… I cried for this… for the suffering and being alone (before rescue) and losing family… I know if it was my kitty and something happened , me not being able to be there going through that or find my kitty… it would be horrible… it's so nice if you to take kitty in and rescue it… please, please tell us how the cat is now.. an update please
Thanks for taking care of her
You are a wonderful wonderful man. Bless your heart
Is there an update?
I have so much respect for people who rescue animals too!
I'm a 60 year old man, a lifelong kitty lover, and this sweet little kitty brought me to tears !! Please, post an update on how she is doing. She is so adorable. I don't think I could do what you do. I would die a thousand deaths every time I saw a little kitty like this one. I simply couldn't do it, especially if they didn't make it, it would pretty much kill me. I have such a love of felines, that I actually prefer the company of my wife, and our 2 Siberians (cuz she has horrible FELD1 allergies) more than I do that of 98+% of people out there !
When you post an update for this little sweetie, please tag me so I can see how she is. I would subscribe, but I simply can't put myself thru the emotions of just seeing this one little girl, never mind one after another after another. I gave the video a like because you rescued her. I just really hope she made it and has a good, new home. You folks are truly great souls, and I really don't know how you do it !!
Danke für die Hilfe