A deputy in Colorado is being hailed a hero for taking immediate action to save a dog from a car that was on fire. On Thursday, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office shared video of the Jan. 22 rescue after Deputy Michael Gregorek was responding to a call of a vehicle on fire. When he got to the scene, he saw a man trying to get his dog out of an SUV. The deputy then lunged into the burning vehicle and pulled Hank out. Hank thanked the deputy the only way he knew how: by licking his hero’s face.
What dog owner allows their dog to be in a locked car in front of a house. And you couldn’t save him you had to call the cops what’s going on give the dog to the humane society.
I bet that snow felt gooood after being in a hot burning car.
so so glad Hank is okay, and didn’t suffer any lifetime injuries from the fire!! 😊
God damn Fords.
Such a handsome and innocent pooch ❤
Dogs do not "kiss" people. It's actually trying to make him vomit so it can eat the vomit. Look it up.
My heart was pounding watching this until they got the dog out safely!
Now thats a hot dog. I absolutely love that this man desperately trying not to cough and scare the dog he's holding finds a nice deep snow pile to throw him into! Great job!
He's not just a dog!
Hes a beautiful dog thats is counted as important as a human life
Finally a good interaction with a civilians dog and a police officer
Owner was weak sauce
why was his dog locked in the car when he wasnt in there? how would it catch fire without him noticing in time to let him out? Why didnt he just open the doors? So many questions, this is kinda suspicious lowkey
how come the owner didn't get the dog out ?
I wouldn't have had to wait for a cop to get there. Wtf is wrong with people?!?! Grow some 🥎🥎
Thank God and the Cop ♥️🙏👏♥️👏♥️👏♥️👏😭
If that was my dog there will be no need for a police man to rescue it because It would be the first thing I’ll do.
They don't call dogs man's best friend for nothing.
I'm glad He's SAFE but WHY the HELL didn't you get something busted window yourself.💔😢 what if the officer hadn't gotten there in time????
Few.. dogs has many diseases 🤢🤮
Buy that cop a coffee and a doughnut.
Hell yeah, sir. Hell yeah.
How come no one got the dog out before the police did?????
I would have some very serious concerns and questions for that owner. All the questions have been asked. Why was the dog inside a fully closed locked vehicle, why no attempt by dog owner to break the glass, why was the cop able to lift the dog out the back window but the full grown ass man owner couldn’t ??? . I would be holding that dog from allowing the owner to have it until an investigation was fully satisfied that the dog is in a safe home.
Same old Lucien, his life is more important than anyone else's. Including his dog. He really could have just opened the door or broke his own window. Like man. Still a waste of space I see. And why is this dog in a car with all the windows up??
Great save by the policeman, but I think the dog's owner companion should have been opening doors or breaking windows right away. Really shows how little the guy valued his dog. He thought the car was just going to burn with his dog inside. What a clown.
I keep a hammer in my car at all times just in case I ever see anybody who needs help escaping their vehicle
Idk how can you stand there and not breaking the windows knowing your dog is inside?!?!!! I’m glad the pup is ok! ❤
why is that dude waiting for the cops to arrive to save his dog?
The dog drooling because of the smoke 😭 I'm glad he's okay
thanks for the cop….because how many useless human beings where there unable to do nothing but stand-by and watch/film?
hail out to the deputy for his quick response.
After being beaten almost colony ambulance to come help me the cops came and arrested me even though I was the one that was attacked I don't trust cops anymore but I'm grateful for this one that stayed this dog's life
a good cop .👏👍👍💪💪
am happy for the dog feeling after he went into the ice wooooooooh….