The long haired dude bet Johnny(red gloves) a 100 that he couldn’t whip his ass in a real fight but instead of fighting they just boxed !!! So don’t assume Johnny is a bully
The long haired dude bet Johnny(red gloves) a 100 that he couldn’t whip his ass in a real fight but instead of fighting they just boxed !!! So don’t assume Johnny is a bully
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Dude got the grandma slapped outta him
Fuckin bully
As a boxer I would of ceased fire when the other fighter takes too many blows with ease , it’s no longer a fight it’s a beating. I feel bad for the guy, I mean the pain can be put up with but the mental humiliation will stay for ever.
Dude gonna kill Johnny whole family
never and i mean never , call out johnny
That liver shot made him want to cry 😂
Looks like a bet and not bullying since the whole family was watching. Credit to the long haired dude for staying calm and composed (or should I say cool, calm and collected) although the adrenaline surely must rush through his body. Even though it is heartbreaking to see long haired dude not defend himself, I am glad I did as it makes me want to learn how to fight. Analyzing Johnnys fighting style I am sure he could hit even harder if he had put his hips into the throws. It looks like he used mostly his arms. I am not a fighter though, so I’ll leave that up to the judges to decide. Anyway, thanks for the upload. I hope the long haired dude did not get his ego severely damaged and that he learned from it rather than ducking under. Knowing in the back of his mind that the video where he took a beating has been viewed by 6,5 mill people is probably worse than the beating itself. Their brawl definitely inspired me to change my life path, so thanks long haired dude for sacrificing $100 into making the world a better place😎🥇
Red Gloved guy kicked black gloved guy's ass.
knocked him down and could have finished it then.
what was the black gloved guys issue that he couldn't do anything and literally gave up?
he submitted in a boxing match of all things!
Whats the backstory seemed like a set up , bullying .
gotta put the dukes up homie
0:40 dude cracks his neck like he's the final boss and proceeds to get dropped lmao
Is that a Christmas tree? What kind of creatures are these?
The guy has some sort of neurological deficit. I don't think he saw a single punch coming.
No matter what CompuBox said, you keep your head high and your charisma intact :):)
All bs to side dude tuff asf
Mf like that will turn into a killer over night pain do not bother him lol
Legend has it he's still standing taking punches
psychology is weird af. Like we know but we dont? Kids just want to test themselves so this shows up more in them as they gain a understanding of their capabilities and reality lol. But come on you know what happens if you walk in front of a moving car right?
Legend has it.. he still walks around with his hands at his sides
That guy with a long hair won flawlessly. The other guy couldn't continue …
He thought he was mike tyson but in reality hes worse than glass joe
He got what he wanted for Christmas
title boxing gloves hurt bro not even gonna lie
This was truly painful and sad to watch. Pretty lame that the friends/family just sat back and watched like it was cool
haha that kid was being too nice
1:30 😂😭💀
This dude spent his whole life thinking he was a tough guy and that he could fight. And he found out here that he was wrong on both counts. It's kind of cringe. But I actually give the guy credit for not being a bitch about it. That's a hard lesson for most people to learn for the first time. And now he can go out and do something about it if he so chooses.
What the h*** was this?
That was embarrassing and cringe af
Great fight. Love when guys puff up like a turkey and run like one in the end. Great sportsmanship from the one with hands.
Interesting strategy, blocking punches with the face.
he even just thiks slow. tough dude for standing half the fight but still some reaction sports might be good for man.
He just doesn't know how to fight. Doesn't know range or even defense. Instead of posting like you're doing him a favor, how about yall train him and see what and how he turns out???He could end up a champion fighter you never know what lays beneath a person's potential once it's discovered??? In my opinion I'd have trained him Instead of beating him up. Says alot about you idiots posting this video I'm betting none of you all are fighter's 🤷
Well we now know one person can't fight for 💩 my game plan is I'm gonna block nothing go home with a bloody nose 😂😂😂😂😂
Why y'all beating up on people that have mental problems. 4 real
Bro thinks he's in an anime
This was so retarded. Why are Westerners such stupid egomaniacs? Fight if you're in a fight, dont pretend you're in a music video.
You gone learn today
he was out of his mind making that bet. I can’t feel sorry for him
there’s not one nigga in that room
Clearly doesn’t know how to fight!