What to do after you got the dose:
Signature Series Spike Support Formula
Umm I think we all see what’s going on
Dont forget to get gotten with our trusted 100% safe vaccine that actually isnt a vaccine, but vaccine is just a word, words are dangerous. CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED. 🙂
The guy at work with no experience in the medical field claims without a doubt this can’t be from the vaccine. Mind you he’s vaccinated. Good luck I say.
Why pick the most annoying music imaginable for this video?…
Got this video screen recorded cuz you know theyl try to take this down!! Especially after the collapse of 24yr old Damar Hamlin yesterday. Awesome research. Thank you for this video!!👍🏻. So very sad but ppl need to wake up!!
I said right at start of pandemic it takes 10YEARS to make a vaccination, doesn't matter how many people work on it ,it's about adverse reactions aka like what we're seeing ,I never got vaccination, I pray for everyone who has
is becouse of climate change
*spanish flea song starts
"technical difficulties"
The music is annoying
It’s crazy how we are literally living in an Orwell novel.
Safe and Effective, NOT
Guess who else has taken alot of the "juice"?
Every western military 🪖
This is all perfectly normal, nothing to see here. Move along…
They are still pumping out messages to get vaccinated all over mainstream media and that is because there is a law in effect where Pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for side effects and injury caused by vaccines.
Not only are people collapsing of heart issues, but this new thing they are calling Adult Sids. Really ?!
That means it's working.
We must vax all super elites who vaxxed us.
Safe n effective
Heads need to be sliced off from these CRIMES
The lipid nanoparticles(graphene hydroxide) cuts and slices the insides of veins and blood cells, this happens much faster in athletes because their blood is pumping much faster.
Boosters for more coincidences…?
And the numbers are rising.
This should be played on a big screen in public.
The funniest thing is that Karens will watch this and still take a shot and give it to their kids
Even those who survive the heart disorders caused by these vaccines may only have ten years to live due to the damage done to their cardiovascular system.
BillHellGates said, covid might be over but the next pandemic is yet to come: the pandemic of "heart attack". Yeah, mostly among the stabbed.
only legends know what the thumbnail is for
Boston marathon is coming up soon Boosted mandates for all runners Wonder if we'll see a bunch of healthy runners dropping like flies
Fake disease
How is this working out for sports betting? Can anyone tell me the spread on vaccine death during the next game?
Effective as a murder weapon
Just don’t get fat
Little message for all the “educated” clowns on here blaming the vaccine. Here’s some information about the first 3 clips, which are the ones I know about and have researched previously.
Moussa Dembele (clip 1)- Collapsed as a result of low blood sugars.
Aguero (clip 2)- Collapsed in 2017, had a heart problem that went undiagnosed after testing as a result of this collapse. The problem reoccurred earlier this season and was actually diagnosed, leading to him retiring.
Eriksen (clip 3)- Was confirmed by himself, his club and the Danish national team that he wasn’t vaccinated.
This is more than just a vax.
Here before YouTube takes this down before marking as “misinformation”
My wife's mother got fyzzer. Days later shes dead in Tacoma General hospital in Washington State i shake my head every time the paid experts read from their scripts
Sadly, I believe most of these teams and many leagues required bigPharma blood stream injection to participate and travel.
Amazing, they stopped counting. Reminds me of what cowards at Youtube did w dislike counters.
Not a word in each headline about the secret sauce recently handed out. Its almost like….dare I say….a conspiracy! No coukdn't be, please ignore elephant in the room. Please trust the "experts."
this clip is 1 second longer posted 1 day prior by euclidean flower but with different background music… not sure if its just being shared around or meh but again meh…
Nothing to see here… get that jab slaves… errr… you people….
Nice video, found that one of the soccer players on this so called list, collapsed due to his implanted diffibulator stopped working. Causing him to collapse. So a 10 second search found a false narrative. 🤔
The pretended 'vaccine' is the REAL virus.
Hands over hearts… scary.
Listen to Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology, on Joe Rogan.
Convenient that this causes blood clots the same cause as heart attack and strokes, which are also caused by the COVID itself. Plausible deniability!!!