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About the Author: ARAKO TV


  1. This shitty click bait video with your shitty fucking retarded commentary is honestly the absolute worst piece of content that was uploaded to YouTube a prime example of diarrhea equivalent of YouTube content.

  2. The last one is the exact reason why I wait till I got the right girl to go drinking cause some these women out here tryna get a fella killed crazy

  3. Bruh that first guy was walking like a gta san andreas character trying to look bigger thsn he is😂 mf walks like a ps2 character💀 mans had all the right to make fun of his ass.

  4. Wait there's no way you're on the side of the guy trying to attack a coach for breaking up a fight. They're in a position of authority over the kids and it's their jobs to break it up. Maybe he should be parenting his kids so the coach doesn't have to.

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