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I really miss this show
They are so so cute, like it an adorable furry lil angels gang 🐶😍💖
Ooooh I want one !
hahahaha Tater Tot pleads for mum to end bath time, but mum responds by extending bath time.
giving a puppy a bath is easy, giving a full grown big dog a bath is hard trust me.
I Love Too Cute And I Also Love This Show ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕
Their mom is such a Fashionista 😂❤
What a stylish momma!!!
They look like my dog 😂
They are so cute I want them all
Spud: This'll be fun! gets bath OMIGOSH! GET ME OUTTA HERE!
anyone who shaves JUST their dogs ass doesnt deserve to had dogs. let them have ass hair
This is too cute!!
i am here to get blessed by my eyes
Very cute as puppies!
Lap dog? Anyone who knows poodles knows they are NOT lap dogs by nature 😅
Did they use the no Tears baby shampoo or what
you no i hate cats and love dogs
mom minnow is more British than any British i have ever seen
But mom doesn't like bath time either
By six pack I though you meant- Nevermind.
That sound at the end was sooooooo cuttttttee OMG!! I want to cry 😧😘😍😭
Good gracious what did they dress that mama dog in?
isnt just putting them into the sink like thay dangerous? they can get drowned if one of them accidentaly pushes them, plus the soap covered half of their eyes and nose too….
This video is perfect but I'm still not sure 😳😳
shouldnt these be toy poodles and not miniature?
lol! Great video and beautiful puppies!
Anyone else think the dogs had 6 pack abs
Too cute… and mom gave her special tlc too. Awww
I always feel bad when I have to bathe a dog who clearly hates baths, so I try to get it over and done with as quickly as possible. Then it's treat time so they know they were good ^_^
Lol at 1:15. It looks like Tater Tot is giving the bird to whoever is making him take a bath.
You know your narration career has hit rock bottom when you're stuck working a gig like this..
Hey, these are my poodles!~! Working with the professional artists of the Animal Planet was fantastic. They let me wash the bubbles out of the puppies' eyes so it wouldn't sting and really prioritized the comfort and safety of the puppies, though you wouldn't realize that with this video. It was an amazing experience, and they adored my puppies!