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#originsexplained #mysteriousdiscoveries #military #worldwar2 #war #militaryprojects
Wow, Thanks Katrina 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👀
24:33 such a sweetheart
2:19 Roger Stacel Dennison loves Katrina of the OE
We love your channel very, very much, and it is an inspiring channel for all of us.. Hoping for more documents and facts. ❤
The Dark Knight satellite & The Dark Star Sr72 ✅👈❗❗❗Hmmmm , I Wonder Is Their Any Connection There ???✅👈❗❗👽Tech!!!!
Thanx 648
According to the Government Area-51 was "Retired/Shut down/Closed" a few years ago. Even tho we all know that isn't true at all. As there is continued activity at the Groom Lake Facility, along with upgrades being completed.
The SR-71 has a "stated" top speed of Mach 3, tho that is only half of the Actual top speed of the Blackbird. So, Darkstar being the fastest at Mach 6 isn't even close to the Truth. And rumors of Darkstar already flying, look at the F-117, F-22, and the F-35, as recent examples, of Craft that weren't supposed to exist till years in the Future, when in fact they were already flying.
About the report from Iron Mountain, just look at the DOD, and Navy releasing footage of these Foo-Fighters. A Global Threat beyond the Norm, to propagate the continued Militarization and Focus of the Plebes. A Paper Tiger, Phantom Menace, to keep Control. It's merely an extension of the same B.S. that the report tells of.
The more Existential the Threat the more they, the " powers that be" would maintain and even grow their control.
Sea shadow ..used in a James Bond movie ?…
He.. he.. you said.. splash
Lol, Aryans are Persians.
Im the seventh
I really can't believe that the Nazi's were this sad
eugenics, Zionism, racism . All the same
The V – 1 was called the "Doodlebug" due to the unique sound of the engine.
I'm a big fan of you love all of the videos you do keep up the good work from Ireland 🇮🇪🍀🇮🇪
The man was Insane & we've had the misfortune of others at different levels of stupidity.
You are the best ❤😊 all of the shows