A noblewoman has been kidnapped by pirates so an Imperial Ship has been sent to save her! But what else might be lurking in the sea?
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Behind the Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG27z5w1MWU
Build your own Kraken!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8–AWIAO1fE
Fun facts:
This video took 2 months to make
It is the first video I ever made with a DSLR camera!
Can you find the top hat minifigure?
Hint: He is extremely difficult to find in this video, only part of his body is visible! Good luck 😛
Omg the nostalgia
If anyone noticed this, bravo u have good eyes. Look at the spyglass and you’ll see he’s holding it backwards 0:35
This was awesome 🎉.
even pirate fun
lets have fun😍😍😍
lego lego lego i wish i have that
Cómo Has
Love it…an all time classic
Tis the kraken
Disslet me eat crackers from crackers and cheese
Nostalgia I smell from this ol classic
Lego pirates look like sea of thief
I am so happy that I found this again so nostalgic for me
You just earned yourself a sub!
Amazing stop motion. Can someone tell me the song at 4:45?
Me acuerdo que de chiquito miraba mucho este video que recuerdos XD
"Smile, you Son of a…"
From "Jaws"
I remember watching this when I was very young
i remember this old stuff
people would pay to watch this stuff man.
Pure nostalgia, this is what inspired me to do stop motion