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GO CHECK OUT TODAY’S AWESOME RIDERS! They have alot more great vids on their channels. Links Below
0:19) Lorentz R – Close call – MT07 – https://youtu.be/85PqkI6A5dg
0:25) AZ Skoots – Motorcycle close call. – https://youtu.be/2x0T60GzE5M
0:33) Sean Phelan – Gsxr 600 Close Call – https://youtu.be/XU0G7pKlcuE
0:41) Wherescam1 – Clueless driver pulls out in front of me – https://youtu.be/aE6txPQfjb0
1:01) COPS Citizens Observing Public Servants – car swerves to hit motorcyclist – https://youtu.be/4Z8cQgT_EME
2:04) Whibbles Bikes – Near miss – https://youtu.be/SU2QhncCIAg
2:12) S750z_Dude – MOTORCYCLE CLOSE CALLS – https://youtu.be/8ZpHiEJPixA
2:34) MaxWrist Life – Who’s At Fault? Car or Motorcycle? ⚠️ NEAR MISS! – http://bit.ly/maxwristlife
3:09) Rtuned Productions – MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT ‼️ P.O.V FROM RIDER THAT GOT HIT ‼️- https://youtu.be/2QDBN-IP-qw
4:19) Forsaken Spawn – It’s a crazy world – https://youtu.be/RPbX982ma3A
4:35) no_heaven_for_me – motorcycle mirrors smashing – https://youtu.be/5mZceLqQzwU
4:55) Vito the Rider – Driver cuts me off – https://youtu.be/7uJ85XAJqFo
5:16) Mr. Tasty – Motorbiker lending a Helping hand – https://youtu.be/T70CG2pKdoo
5:54) Bad S Biker – Close Call By Incoming Truck Driver – https://youtu.be/8gO6F6HU3ao
6:03) Ron IMoeBeast – Motorcycle Accident – https://youtu.be/sKcAwSTwKHI
6:36) Jack Wemo – Crashing my motorbike – https://youtu.be/76vPdaPAzNU
7:09) Wanderer Moto – Yamaha WR250R Crashed – https://youtu.be/4JYig7jL3IQ
7:27) Focus on Front Sight – Close Call on a Motorcycle – https://youtu.be/9ZGXQNetEo4
7:39) Du da Motoca – Tirando de Giro com a Crosser – https://youtu.be/akF0uC_SUjE
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All clips and commentary in this video are intended for mature adult audiences only. All footage is for educational and journalistic purposes and also as learning tool for riders and viewers that watch this channel. Ride safe – KR
I’m just convinced all motorcycle drivers are pricks
MaxWrist is a complete fuq wit …
Maxwrist literally got himself almost killed 3 times on the same road and everytime it would have been his fault how stupid can someone be
Thats something new other than the boring "remove before flight"
As a motorcyclist that really hurts. Some people just cant handle two wheels mentally…
2:37 someone has to stop this biker. He Is Dangerous.
whoa!! 😵💫that was crazy
At 1:28 all he had to do is put the mid finger to the man
drive Slow …. enjoy the ride ….
Yeah, you show this to the cops and blurred your your words out because you didn’t want to go to jail
Most of this riders has moron…
8:18 none of em bullet proof
Serious Dumbassery being exhibited….
The biker who stopped to help the lady with her errands ❤ I love him
Bro at 4:40 took that mirror off with no hesitation
90% of all this is the bikers fault… speed, impatience.. as a biker myself, I'm ashamed
0:42 I know the rider shoulda slowed down sooner, but this is just hilarious. You can’t make this up 😂.
Mostly looks like dick head riders speeding lol been riding all my life and people should pay more attention
0:45 people who try and make a right turn into the far lane when it isn’t even safe to go should never have gotten their license to begin with 😂
These people lack a single brain cell and don’t realize that the driver is obviously going to try and avoid them by going to the next lane also.
Too many times I see a biker get very worked up and confront the offender. Best course of action is just to keep on rolling. No point in wasting energy on something that almost happened. Reflect and move on.
0:08 😂😂😂 lol moto of
You ALMOST hit me I got it on video. Didn't your grandpa ever tell you almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Dude at 3:55 tried to walk it off – bro could have gotten up your whole back and leg bones and you walk
The guy that when he’s mad pops wheelies lol
You know, I watch these videos to put the fear of God in me so I decide not to buy myself a bike…but honestly I think I'm more scared of other people on bikes with me than I am of the people in cars…