While Crossing the river Crocodile Chase the lioness, as the crocs are expert in hunting in water , it Attacks the lioness and Takes down under the Water , But Lioness Struggled and somehow Managed to come out and luckily escape from the Swamp monster (Crocodile)
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oops my bad wrong neighborhood
So, it didn’t take her down she got away.
Как так
Oops gotcha B
Крокодил упустил свою Шаверму 😅😅😅
Ormanların kralı suda fareye dönmüş arkasına bakmadan kaçıyor 😂😂
पानी में वह शेर हैं
How in the helllllll
УРАААА!!!!! Молодец, победила 🔥👏👏👏👏👏
Я переживала за львицу,ну как-то недолюбливаю этих ящериц
Wie konnte sich die Löwin befreien?
Mir ein Rätsel!
بمرگ احمدجنتی شیردرسته گریخت اماریده وهیچوقت شیرنمیشه
La lionne prouve sa férocité même dans l'eau . Bravo.