The Sopranos Clip #Shorts #thesopranos #sopranos Attempted Hit On Christopher Moltisanti
Season 2 Episode 9 – “From where to eternity”
The Sopranos Clip #Shorts #thesopranos #sopranos Attempted Hit On Christopher Moltisanti
Season 2 Episode 9 – “From where to eternity”
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Always be proficient shooting “weak” hand!
Matt's lover dies is a better title.
It wasnt a hit. they was trying to prove themselves
These guys would be great Stormtroopers
Stormtrooper aim, clearly amature
Fucking couldn’t stand those two guys
What bridge is that ?
Nice Lincoln…
Aim with two hands you morons
Primary reason to learn off-hand shooting expertise.
was that good? Cause that sugarless MFer is that last thing you'll ever taste.
WHO the heck is "CHRISSY" ?? NOBODY on the show called him that!
Minus certain notes
Best Crime Series since
Crime Story…
He may have been a complete idiot but he wasn't a pussy
This is why you always choose last stand in CoD
I don't get it when people run away while shooting in movies. You're not gonna hit jack, and you're not gonna be evading jack doing that.
Bro he's like 20 yards away. These guys should have visited a range.
He didn't stop ruining till he was…🎵 up in the club 🎵
I'm against race war.
but….the actor suited in a light blue hoodie, the one running away shooting backwards… Isn 't he the one who played Calogero -"C" ( DeNiro's son) in "a Bronx tale"?
First enemy of the mafia: seat belt
never wear seatbelt
Chris was a made man and the seatbelt wasnt.
he got shot in the chest game over
Amateurs….that was hella sloppy 😂
It was Sean's idea, all the way.
Out of everybody in the show, Christopher is by far my #1 pick to have my back in a shoot out! His ability to focus under immense pressure in life or death situations is quite amazing!
I have a couple questions. How is it that chris didn't do any sort of time for this incident? I am betting money that the pistol he had on his ankle wasn't registered, nor did he have a permit. And second, no trial to determine if killing sean was really self defense? The show never mentioned that
0 Chrissy .are you Alright
Matthews excitement and jumping in the seat as Sean shoots is so hilarious
Notice how this time he aimed steady, fired, and hit the target, as opposed to his usual frantic point and pull technique where he wouldn't be able to hit the side of a barn, let alone a fleet of foot Mikey Palmice…
Rich Aprilla crew, they never had the makings of Varstity,
Say what you want about the kid but Chrissy was always reliable in a gun fight
Chris could give Arthur Morgan a run for his money
Why did he run from his own car tho
After all Sonny did for that kid
Such a stupid scene. No way they would have missed killing that loser cris from that distance. Such a load of baloney
How the fuck do you fumble a drive by like that? The guy was already down on the ground and bleeding out and fuckin killed one and scared the other off
Chrissy was actually a real prodigy yeah he fucked up sometimes and was a druggy but most the show best just getting bitched even tho overall he’s a great earner, when tony killed him it was just disappointing “like a son” it just finally woke me up to the true evil of tony that I was blind to before the jovial facade was smashed then for me Atleast but too late.
this show is a comedy
Chrissy wasn't good when he was left in charge but he was a damn good soldier
Bad time for a seat belt malfunction
Are Italians or Italian-Americans all like that? Geez.
Those two were always fuckups
For everything else he was, Chris was always icy with a piece.
You can tell those cartridges were blanks
corey mathews doin a hit