Spread The Viralist

#spider #shark #cheetah

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About the Author: Odoroki Boy


  1. So we live in West Virginia and we have a backyard and it’s basically 12,000 acres of woods and this wolf hair came up to my little brother and then this became like an every day thing. Like the first time it happened with the wolf recite canvaslike sat next to him. And then the wall started coming back every single day. My little brother is actually 14 years old now and when my brother was for the wolf head came one day, and my mother notice with the Wolf is actually doing she thought that he was gonna eat him. so my mother had ran out with a shotgun and missed the wolf and now the wolf lives in the house with her so I told my mother, I said just deal with it stop bitching❤

  2. When the shark wants to bite you because it senses the electrical waves emited by you but you push the shark away or when a cheeta likes you with 100s of tiny spikes on its toungue that are from 1 up to 6 milimeters big wich can litteraly tear off your skin

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