Episode: 727 Terminalia
Species: Terminalia sepicana
Location: Port Villa, Vanuatu
Thanks to Steven Murray for joining in on my adventures. Find out more about what he’s up to on Instagram: Murraystevena2
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Smarter Every Day, JMac, Schoolbird.vn, Wootbot
-It turns out that Vanuatu was technically hit by TWO cyclones not 4 as I state in the video. I got that number from a cab driver who I'm guessing misconstrued a temporary calm in the same storm as two separate cyclones. I'm not sure.
-I tried to find if there was any relief efforts for Vanuatu, but since I filmed this back in March I couldn't find any active ones. I did find this list of charities though that seems very helpful for over all environmental issues around the world: https://impactful.ninja/best-charities-for-climate-change
-For any concern over us being there at all. We immediately booked a flight out once we realized they were recovering from a cyclone. The following afternoon we flew to another island in Vanuatu that wasn't badly affected.
-The fruit we found is Terminalia sepicana. It is a terminalia that specifically grows in Papua New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
Terminalia have tiny kernals that are like almonds.
Steven is an encyclopedia of knowledge
Everyone pray for Vanuatu to whatever god you worship
sometime, you should try Pandanus conoideus (a.k.a red fruit)
Thanks for your video, Jared. I'm moving to Vanuatu next week, they are still recovering but bouncing back! I hope your coverage means more visitors in the future for the country, its a special place. I wish you had more time in the Pacific so I can use your videos to find new fruit, too!
One castor bean propably does not kill you, but it will flush out from your system very rapidly. Ricin taken orally is known as castor oil, and it is been used for constipation. Ricin gas however is very deadly.
Oh yeah that ones called Ricinus eating is a bad idea lol
Steven always teaches me so much! I love when he gets into the biology of why and how plants do their thing. I want to get cozy and listen to him give a lecture. 😅
My tangent because I think it's wild: The craziest part of ricin is that there is no antidote (we have antidotes or treatment measures for most known poisons, but not ricin) and it takes way less than a full seed to kill a person. I think it's in the micrograms. There was a famous reporter who was assassinated by ricin poisoning from powder that was on/in a tiny lead pellet that was stabbed into his leg from the tip of a modified umbrella. He thought it was just an insect sting. The facts are usually misconstrued as the umbrella was modified into a gun that shot him, but that's not accurate. It's "shot" as injected not shot as in projectile. He was waiting at a bus stop outside London iirc and didn't notice until he got back to the office. Ricin stops your cells from being able to produce the proteins they need to function, so they just die. It's wild because castor oil is in lots of beauty products because it's good for the skin and body, but the ricin byproduct is so deadly.
The large Terminalia fruit is probably Terminalia kaernbachii (okari nut) which is from PNG but was brought there for commercial purposes.
Kakadu "Ka-ka-doo" Plum, Terminalia ferdinandiana, native to Northern Australia.
Man no fruit preview I guess
Climate Change is just a con
Southern Vanuatu was hit the hardest, and the earthquake caused little damage. Reminds me of the mag 5 earthquake in socal during Hilary.
I like this channel a lot but can't help finding it kind of ironic to talk about the disastrous effects of climate change on this island while travelling there and all over the world by plane…one of the biggest contributors to one's personal CO2 foot print and doing this at least partly out of leisure interests.
Speaking of the islands said & in wishing them a good recovery, might it be time to rename the section Melanesia (which is a rather dated name) to something like Lapitanesia or Lapinesia (for short) in honor of the predominant ancestral archeological culture that has begotten many of those to wander to Micronesia & Polynesia? Hope you find a way to help the nesians in need anyhow
Awful about the disasters, but glad you still found some interesting fruits.
Your trips are so valuable to bringing awareness to fruit and the environment! Thank you for exposing so much on your videos. You are one of my hereos.
totally unrelated: i found a nursery in north wales called jurassic plant nursery that grows rarer and exotic fruit trees, might be worth checking out.
Jerrad I have been watching your channel for years and years. I appreciate what you do and have love for you brother but I have one huge problem with this video. CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT REAL. I am an amateur historian, I was almost done with my bachelors to be a history teacher before I dropped out to be a firefighter. As a historian I can assure you that natural disasters have been occurring since the beginning of time. Natural disasters happen every year, but some how some people act like this is a new thing and that carbon has something to do with it. The truth is carbon can change the climate over hundreds if not thousands of years. Climate alarmists, who make a ton of money off of scaring people, have been doing this for decades and you can look up the dozens of times that they have flip flopped on wether the climate is going towards an ice age or heat age. They have made so so so many egregious apocalyptic claims that have never come close to true. The narrative is sinister and wrong and makes people live in fear. Please don’t spin a narrative until you know the facts. Do some research and please don’t use partial sources. Keep up the good work fruit exploring and if you are ever in palm beach Florida you are welcome to do some fruit hunting with me. Stay safe I keep you in my prayers.