This is Mister when a woman found him abandoned in the road , he had a cancer .- Takis Shelter

This is Mister when a woman found him abandoned in the road , he had a cancer .- Takis Shelter
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No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter

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  1. Ich hasse Gewalt, aber in diesem Fall würde ich bei demjenigen der den Hund ausgesetzt hat, eine ordentliche Ausnahme machen. Solche Menschen sollten in der Hölle schmoren.

  2. Oh Mister!😭 that tumor looks so awfully painful! A lot of people would see him and decide right then and there that he should be euthanized to "stop his suffering". I'm so happy this was not the mindset of the wonderful lady who rescued him🙏😇

  3. That is so sad ❤😢, but thanks to the lady for finding him and did the right thing by calling Takis to help. And always a big thank you 😊 🙏 to Takis and his volunteers for helping.

  4. Πάλι θα πω το τετριμμένο,τι απεγινε η ανθρωπιά;
    Τι επιτέλους έπαθαν "οι άνθρωποι";
    Ευτυχως απέμειναν λίγοι που δεν αποστρέφουν το βλέμμα τους.
    Ευχομαι ολα να πανε καλα γιατο το αθωο πλασματακι😢

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