5 Streamers Who Ruined Their Careers In Seconds!

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5 Streamers Who Ruined Their Careers In Seconds!

In this WeFly video we are taking a look at some streamers who went live and made massive mistakes on stream and ended their careers!

#streamers #live #stream

Cool Videos:
ItsOwen – it took him 1 second to solve.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYmTMsVvBxc

SkyDiverge – guy spills coffee on lamborghini then this happens..

ItsOwen – she didn’t survive this wave..

Trend Spot – he didn’t survive this roller coaster..

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About the Author: WeFly


  1. Why do people even get paid to play games? That’s the dumbest ever way to part from your hard earned money…. To supplement some lazy nerd to sit on their ass doing something fun.

  2. The first streamer was honest. I didn't agree with his opinion of himself but at least his viewers know where he stands. I prefer him to fake two faced streamers who pretend their viewers are their best friends.

  3. To be fair, Bad Bunny is on a leftist panel. They believe money just falls out of the sky into our pockets, and believe they are entitled to it. It's just the typical leftist views.

  4. The fact that people feel entitled to other peopls money for doing absoluty nothing makes me laugh. Shes better off with an OF accont. She might be worth watching then… The netiltment of that chick is sad

  5. If I would have sat there, I would have called that first guy out in front everyone there. I would never allow myself to be associated with that kind of moronic behavior.

  6. BadBunny is the definition of someone who deserves to have nothing.
    She isn't grateful.
    She is Greedy.
    She is a bitch.

    Girls like this are gold diggers and are much better off put out of their misery.

  7. Imagine having Asperger's ( autism ) and not knowing and distroying youself because off it. He dose not know how to explain what his thinking ans this comes out. I was like this when i was young. He understands he somw what better then the average person but dose not know how to say that with out sounding like this. Im autistic and i see a completely different interview but i understand how bad it looks and sounds as my life was ruined because I didn't understand social interaction or social cues or how to communicate properly, i truly feel for this 1st man 😢

  8. MMDust didn't say that he felt superior BECAUSE he was a streamer tho. And he acknowledged that it was weird. At least I don't think that his character is bad, unlike tons of other people, he didn't lie and was open about everything. I mean, imagine seeing a guy with a god complex in a competitive game, losing. Would make for good content imo. But well, that's cancel culture for you.

    (Note I never watched anything from him, I actually only used twitch because iirc, curseforge was integrated within it for a while, so i'm certainly not a fanboy or something like that)

  9. Autism. Nobody cares that you’re better at video games than us bro just say it. People don’t like to hear that you’re simply “better.” I mean, he’s clearly not better at articulation. I am good at articulating my thoughts. So he’s not superior in that manner. What a dumbass.

  10. Also I wouldn't be looking to make money off streaming donations wouldn't be a thing on my platforms. Would only take things from big companies if It ever happens😂

  11. When streamers think streaming is a job😂 ATM I'm trying to stream and work eventually I'm hoping to stream with a fan base and also work. I would also let viewers know I will have not just gaming streams but streaming daily adventures and what not to help some kids to know it's good to get outside. Sorry never been good at writing was bad at english in highschool but at least I can spell?😂

  12. People do realize that being in a wheelchair doesn't automatically mean someone can't walk, correct? Like, I know that people who aren't disabled know fuck all about disability but people do realize that having a wheelchair just means it's an accommodation for a disability and that people can still walk and use them, correct?

  13. Im a streamer and i average between 10-15 people per stream. The people in my streams are not only people who watch but i play games with them off stream too as my community means more to me than money. I still get donations and subs because i dont beg for them. The people in my community, my friends, donate because they want to help me. Not because they feel like that is all they are here for. Its disgusting how she acted.

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