Discoveries Nobody Can Explain & More | Compilation

Discoveries Nobody Can Explain & More | Compilation
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About the Author: Origins Explained


  1. The 7th seal when the earth goes black could have been 536 when the whole world was under dark clouds for about 1½ to 2 years. It was most likely caused by a meteor hiting the earth.

  2. In Luke 1:35, in the Annunciation, before the birth of Jesus, the angel tells Mary that her child "shall be called the Son of God". In Luke 4:41 (and Mark 3:11), when Jesus casts out demons, they fall down before him, and declare: "You are the Son of God."

  3. The Pyramids of Giza were built far before 2500bc, remember the sphinx was ancient when the before Egyptians. I'm sure you'll ask me for proof, and I say prove a diety exists. I will say that look at the bottom layer of the sphinx has salt liquefaction only created by a great flood at least 10,000 to 15,000 years.

  4. The book of Enoch much is older than the stories of the Bible. The church had to hide it because it hints at extraterrestrial contact and it ties into other ancient cultures like the Sumerians.

  5. We have too much access to knowledge to be so close minded about the so called truth. Our goal should be to find the truth of our history. Not to blindly follow a corrupt bureaucratic corporation. I believe god is good and the spirit is strong and is real. But the churches of organized religion have been provenly corrupt time and time again. They are the sole reason the truth has been hidden.

  6. Everyone who’s getting defensive over the Jesus thing need to relax and do some research on ancient history and religions. You’ll quickly learn how corrupt all organized religions are. The fact is the truth has been hidden by the exact people who preach it. Who’s to say what they’ve hidden. Jesus’ story is very complicated and the history of the Bible is very complex and corrupt.

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