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LOL LOL I wanted Them to Get Mad Max it is You Know A SATANIC RITUAL Brough to You By Blackrock (AND THAT SHOULD TELL YOU EVERYTHING ) But The MORON DEMONS MADE IT OUT ,Hopefuly The Alkaline in The Mud will Work WONDERS And Teach Those DEMONS A LESSON
They think they can mock the Most High? This is Judgement. Not climate control. Not the government. Not HARP. This is JUDGEMENT from the Most High for mocking Him. More to come.
This is a shock test
nt a disaster .I was there.. You're a FUCKINGIDIOT!
Have friends there. No panic. Just media BS to shut down big events out in the open world.
Evidence of a empire in decline.
But why can't they leave? Thats wild
100% fake news 🗞️😊
Couldn’t happen to a better crew. Fu@k them! There a bunch of smug white economically privileged satanists. They can always eat each other’s bullshit. Who cares?
How much do these people get paid to attend this thing?
Drugs make you think these events a few good. DONT DEW DRUGS
When "influencers" infiltrate your movement, consider that movement compromised.. P$¥OP 101
🎶🎶🎵🎵 All across the nation such a strange vibration
People in motion
Theres a whole generation
Without an explanation
People in motion … people in motion
For those who come
To the Burn-ing-Man
Summertime won't be a love-in there🎶🎶🎵🎵
Sounds like a trap and the start of Americas first modern concentration camp 🤔
A few heavy military choppers could drop , food ,water , medical supplies, vinegar wash, and porta pots , until it dries, then grade the roads and get them out, just send 20 mil less to Ukraine,
I hope it's the Last burning man.
Time to eat the rich?
Pretty well known that cloud seeding technology has been around since the 1940s….
I hope we get video of the hippie gladiators when they run out of food and start eating each other. COULDN'T HAPPEN TO A BIGGER BUNCH OF LOSERS.
A couple of people died, prob over dosed or something, yes locked down while police are investigating deaths, there’s no disease, or Ebola 😂😂 they are just investigating possible murders.
Food? What about water??
What a farce. If anyone who watched the take down of the environmental group on the barricade of the highway to this festival. I saw miles of attending people's vehicles. The majority of them where trucks/Suvs pulling long term camping trailers and full on RVs. I can say this about that. I live in Southern Nevada and we are now experiencing awesome weather. I am quite sure that these people will be leaving and heading for home very soon. Just stop over dramatic posting as click bait.
Will that be a soon to happen human sacrifice like the Jones Town massacre????🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why is some of this happening? Read "State of Fear," by Michael Crichton.
This is why I have a 18 gallon tote filled with clothes, food, water, and toiletres. With the times we are living in, you never know what's going to happen, and I want to be ready for anything. Also, keep your vehicles full.
It's not wise to go out into the desert like that without emergency food, my ex husband used to get mad at me for over preparing
Can you imagine all the folks who left there kids with the babysitter, those kids are fortunate, imagine all the kids people brought with them to this event, shame on them
It was probably a testing site back in the day? 🤔
Bunch of zeros going to an event like that. Probably having panic attacks Lmao
Never heard of this event, so theres that.
Fly a cessna over them and deop leaflettes saying “dont worry. If the food runs out you still have each other”😂
Covid wasn't scaring people anymore, usher in the ebola.
Funny how environmental activists were protesting Burning Man just before this happened 🤔
HAARP = Weather Control = Crimeitcharge and they won't tell the TRUTH. Getting rid of people to steal there land. Yep they won't want this to come out.
Keep the weirdos there…all liberals anyways
Its going to get bad they are standing in a giant toilet . This will be ground zero for the zombie outbreak
Also " locked in " what the f>÷< are you talking about . They are all as good as dead…
Thomas Jefferson and patrick henry would be so happy about this government just like everyone else is happy about them. Agenda 2021 is in full affect.
Stay away from the Brown Acid
Look at it this way in 1969 when Woodstock was held 186,000 people were there. Not quite as big as Woodstock but I would hate to be out in the middle of nowhere desert with lack of water or food. People become irrational, lack of sleep, hungry etc.
The current government told them to stay there. I predict the people will come to either slab city or to las Vegas if they make it alive. It's in the heated summer time.
Must feel good being lucifer/ the govs SACRIFICES sitting zens. Look how happy dappy those sitting zens are. Im completely happy for them. Thought their was something wrong at first. I have real important things to do. Nothing to see here but a muddy festival. Plenty of mud to chew on and rain water to quench the thirst. Rock on luciferians! Lucifer appreciates your voluntary sacrifices. Ever sin 9/11, cobid, and Hawaii. Trees son
agoBurning Man is all about self-expression and the rejection of corporatism and capitalism. Instead of using money, attendees borrow, barter and trade for what they need. People create a fleeting …
How can it be remotely legal to trap you in with 70,000 people against your will? That can't be legal, regardless of weather conditions. Hmmmm……wonder if they're going to get the Maui treatment, stay in the fire treatment. Watch them all catch the black plaguemy. Walk out, make them arrest you. Where are they going to transport their detainees to? Somewhere away from there.
How do news crews get out there when the raods are closed and nobody can leave????
I would try everything to get out of there. How ignorant is it, in times of weather extremes, to say, this was "unexpected", even more worse in the middle of the desserts. The situation there right now is a ticking time bomb.
Weather manipulation to convince the naive greens there is climate change and it's all our fault, great propaganda tactic to spread around the globe, f'n obvious. Did you say Black Rock or Blackrock LOL
Having a festival this size in the middle of the desserts, in the middle of nowhere is set to end up into a catastrophe. Police are investigating the dead of one person, no doctors out there, no specialists, be serious. It's not over yet, this is a ticking timebomb. People running out of food, water, their drugs. Look at the sanctuary situation, all this mud and water. It's perfect for diseases to spread. One person is already "confirmed" to be dead, will there be more deads? It's scary, how the situation is being downplayed. And more rain and storm is expected….