Occurred on October 8, 2021 / Macon, Georgia, USA
“This video was the first time I introduced my daughter to one of my horses, Jag. He is extremely gentle and thinks he’s a dog! He’s so special to me and I was so happy to capture this moment on camera and share it with others.”
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She trusts that horse more than I trust anything, god damn…
I wouldn’t dare do this to my child
Too risky I don’t care 🤷♀️
Beautifully Majestic
Getting that new baby smell up the nostrils 😂
His new baby owner
❤❤❤❤❤ now i cannot wait until the baby is 3 y.o this gentle horse will never forget please keep me up dated 😊
That horse loves babies 😊
Jack is amazed she brought her foal to meet him!
New baby?lol
Man if that horse would’ve just chomped on that baby’s head these dummies might be a little more careful that’s insane. Morons 😂
Ah that new baby smell-the real fountain of youth
Horse thought that baby’s head was an Apple 🍎
These animals act with babyes better than some humans. Very cute horse and baby
Cutest baby ❤
Conociendo a su mejor amiga que belleza !!
Amori dolcissimi ❤
b of a row I will be at your office 😁😀😁😀
❤ q gracinha
Horse: Great. Another hooman to be on my back.
A friend
Love when big animals that could easily destroy a human just instinctively know to be gentle with a baby
Знакомство. Как. Она. Нежно. Подошла. Всего. Вам. Самого. Наилучшего.
I love horses but I would not allow a horse to sniff my new born baby who can easily get sick.
I dont know much about horses but I've always been fascinated with people who own a horse(s) and the bond between them. I've heard horses are very smart is that true? And you can communicate with them as well right
❤ This is priceless ❤
Imagine if the horse thinks that baby's head is a cabbage and starts chomping😂