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Outro music:
I Told You So [Instrumental Version] by Lvly
You are wrong about bajzeera it is not a bug that is how it worked in vanilla as well, if you get in combat with a guard you are pvp flagged that's it wether you hit back or not does not matter!
The priest should've Immediately hard cast mindcontrol and he would have been fine
it shows Xaryu never seen a Winfury Enh sham in vanilla lvling
Man u deserve your rising numbers. The moment when 500k hit u could see the happyness in your eyes <3
yo I'll just eat nancy lmao!
Today i was 4th run of SM Lib and finally drops dagger ( Hypnotic Blade ) unfortunately there was a rogue ….. who need it and win .. other 2 casters was in group. What do u think about it ? Its ok ? It is a rogue weapon too ? That guy ruined my whole day.
8:06 Multi million company servers with monthly pay…
to green? you mean to yellow. green rocks
rod, your dagger doesnt give you the sp worth it
Saying mitch dies for content is like saying bread is trying to mold. It's happening because it's natural.
Mitch is just too ADHD for hardcore. You need more OCD in HC. ADHD is more a valorant strat.
ya but if you werent a streamer your group wouldnt be cattering to your every need. your minions would throw themselves in harms way and kill themselves for xars char to not be looked at by mobs when he DCs
As I said in your twitch channel, you're playing Fire all wrong. You were just complaining about how bad Fire is compared to Frost on your twitch channel. That's because all you're doing is spamming Fireballs over and over again. That's not what Fire is about. Fire is about critting and getting your ignite rolling and building it up and up. Your rotation should be Fireball, Scorch, Scorch, Fireblast Scorch, Scorch, wand to death. You take Impact, Ignite, Improved Fire Blast, Incinerate, Improved Scorch, Master of Elements, Critical Mass, Fire Power and finally Combustion. Spamming fireballs over and over again has got to be the worst and least efficient way of killing mobs with Fire. Take this advise from someone who's been playing a Mage since WoW launched in 2004.
You should change the Twitch chat position so that we can see the sponsors
GZ m8… I would follow you but I don't use the app
Gratulations Xar you deserve it, love your vibe
7:30 at this point you stand at the gate and ALT+F4 … derrr.
Love the genuine reaction when u hit 500K
. Congratulations and cheers to the next 500K!
24:05 all the idjit chatters "he hamstring" with what rage? he literally got flagged with 5 rage that he got from being HIT he instantly got flagged
twitch chatters man
21:44 thats a warrior staff just ask guzu
I had a griefer in my gnomer run, he pulled like 10 miners and got 4 people killed. F 34 mage :'(
one moment talking about when about to hit 60 and the next moment drop to 7%.. classic hc. SO to pop quiz guy
Xaryu I haven't played since 2010 but if Im remembering right if you dont loot the corpse mob spawning time was longer
“What would you do”
Oh idk….. maybe not run in circles like a helpless headless chicken
Sheesh the brain capacity in hc isn’t there
damn thats a crappy way to die for bhajeera but also kind of ironic that it was pvp that killed him.
Well placed ad @14:00 LoL, I thought you DC'd again
I love how much exp the bosses give, like that library last boss alone gave almost 2 bars.
"bring em together" x3 and bro literally freezes them so they cant go together xD
I got DC on that boat too, scared the F out of me.
Grats on 500k subs Xar!
Just finished watching your tournament, don’t know who came up with that format but what terrible format, all that for just 4 duels, could have been so much better if it was everyone fighting down to the last duel
That is a warrior staff 100%
Stam + spirit = Bis stats
Slow weapon, high damage = BIS
Warrior is also the most weapon dependant class ingame, Mage is the least weapon/gear dependant especially on HC.
Its a crime sgainst all warriors to steal that staff
yo Guyd, turn down the audio on those map transitions. its real loud. cheers mate
God that Gnomer music is horrible.
the banana edit
Dude is there a script or addon for the pot when u drop low HP or is his reaction just insane
Gz with 500k!
What party frame addon do you use?
yo the tank is doing insane threat with WW axe lol
gratz dude! amazing video
Wtf no melee moonkin ??
It has been absolute fire how many videos we’ve been getting out on the channel. Also the new map animations are great.
Keep killing it editor!
Editors on point
33:22 pucker factor, clutch health pot
"The Clash Royale days" KEK no shot he was streaming a mobile app time sink game on Twitch
Peeling banana from the wrong side tho
The only thing the priest might have been able to do was drop group and hope he can enter on his old ID.
Zeroji is the guy who did an insane amount of DM N back in classic, he also speedran it.
HC WoW is over and done with and so are reaction videos. You beat it to the ground for the past 6 months and now that official servers are up, you are rinsing and repeating the same content. Thanks for some laughs when you did content with Pikaboo, but unfortunately, I am finding other content creators more enjoyable. I like your positive outlook on life and Best of luck