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About the Author: Linda Binda
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Wish I had this kind of flirting skills 💀
A power washer……😂
Honestly I wish I had the gut to watch this because I can see the comedic value, but I don't, I can't this, this is a unique situation…. to say the fkn least.
Absolutely nothing has happened, no arrest, no monitoring. I am this guys neighbor and the internet was the last chance to have something happen.
I love how you were singing so beautiful then he ruined the moment by reminding his “ex” yk
Not only does Linda catches Jupiter, she also was able to find him with some clothes on
I’m gonna compile a list of Jupiters powers and make a video detailing his feats and powers
Bro is the worst embodiment of human
“It would be like my own little charcuterie board” senttt me
I wonder why creepy guys like this think they are so handsome 🤨
His nipple there at the bottom view… sitting juuuust right, on the edge of the camera.
Linda "Do you honestly think this is hotter than me?"
Jupiter "hell no, maybe, well idk"
Smooth jupiter real smooth lol
I know i keep commenting but this shits too funny. The tonya harding line went right over his head LMAO
"You dont you come shuffle this coochie" I LOST IT
"Okay that makes sense" Youre so fucking patient its hilarious. Its cray how these cows dont understand there the joke.
You're a legend for this shit Linda lol
My otp fr
Even this dude knows Biden is a creep lol
do you support him 🤨 ?
Imagine being that deep in your own fantasy world. Trips me out fuckin weirdos.
it’s the fact that he said “i dont pay attention to the movies, the movies aren’t really factual” but later says “human blood is like a drug” literally the one of the main quotes in the twilight movie
is linda male or female… honestly cant tell
Its not fat its dead muscle
Watching this after watching Kitboga troll a scammer by pretending to be a werewolf, it's a theme.
Also Jupiter missing out on shuffling that coochie lmfao but he's probably got nicer moobs
the fucking thumbnail is insane hahah!
I went to highschool with this guy, and honestly none of these accusations and things he’s admitted, surprise me at all.
"It'd be like my own little charcuterie board" NAAAH
He has got to be on the spectrum. Also sounds like he has the mind of a child, so maybe mentally handicapped. 😢
This is Jupiter his videos get stupider
Bruh the thumbnail 😂
Good Chris Christie interview Linder, you a boss man Linder.
How does a guy with 0 money or education and procrastinated for over a decade on getting his drivers licenses and also believes their a demi god has a gf before me 💀💀💀
bro's whole tiddy was in the frame
Linda looks like she wants to end it all after every flirty thing she says lmaooo
9:04 the cops made it there the fastest 😂
what are these
The nipple in the thumbnail