(All Merch proceeds go back to animal food & animal care)
(All Merch proceeds go back to animal food & animal care)
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way did you smell the pooop
They both look so cute how much do baby monkeys cost? I love how you are so caring towards animals
They are sooooo cute
How old is Theo now and when is she old enough to no longer need formula/bottle. In nature they are weened at a year.
Me too I just love it
Hey for the name of the monkey I was thinking about Bob Junior
How do you know it's a he already with how young he is????
I thot Theo was a boy🧑🏽🧑🏽🦱🧑🏽🦱
Awwwww sooooo cuteee, monkey cuteness 😍 I really want one
I’m seven so I can get your phone number but there’s
kittens by my house and I was wondering if you can get that I will tell you the detail now so I live in Ohio there’s a case you don’t and I live on S. 2nd St. next to handover and go buy a little house in a little driveway and they did a little roof top and there’s brackets as part of thnd all other kind of stuff that can hurt that
You are so sweet and beautiful
Can we get an update on the sugar gliders pleaseee!!!
I'm have a name
🤔the on the season KIMBERLY KIMBERLY e e😊
Change it immediately that’s my doggies name
They are so cute
You are the best.
cant wait to see them all grown up❤
Fdjcxpxudgoasbshnxygckwggvof😂🎉😢😮😅fb vs soskaf yes wgsvxmxmxh red x
Hannah I saw Ellie’s parts and the monkey is a girl
So cute🩷🩷🩷
I use to want a pet monkey until I did my research on everything it takes to have a healthy, happy, stable monkey. I've seen comments asking where you got the monkeys and how others want a monkey so bad. Have you or Jacob considered making a video of what a commitment it is to have a monkey, how much it costs to own a monkey, how important it is to have atleast 2 monkeys for the monkeys to be happy being they are such social animals. Monkey ownership is for very few people, and in the wrong hands can be very dangerous and devastating for the monkeys. Many will get one because they are so darn cute and not do the research. Ya'll have a whole team making sure all the animals are properly cared for and have a suitable enclosure with enrichments and a proper diet in place, a vet who is licensed in exotics animals. Watching how Theo just knows she has now has a friend that is just like her and her nature instincts just naturally come out. People do need to be educated on monkey ownership and you and Jacob I know would only be 100% honest on everything, monkeys are a 24/7, 365 day job for the rest of the monkeys lives and they aren't cheap from start to finish.
They are so cute!😊
Mujnhkibinuhinuhn I'm 8u
I'm going to die in th
Bro took a nasty poop
I almost died watching this video It’s too cute and I stubbed my toe ;-;
What are there names
When you get a new animal to live with you plz name it willow also can I have a shout-out 😊
Name it milo
There so cute
I did pick the name Alfie
That is very cute ❤
I definitely think that Theo and Alfie are going to be best friends forever 🐵🐵
aww so cute 😊😊
He is so cute
Hi alvie hanna never disepoint ose i love you hanna 😇😍💘❤💓❣💕💖💌💗💙💚💛💜💝💞💟💫
I love you so much
Monkeys are so cute together I wish I had a lot😊
Why do you say so much stuff