Burglary caught on video: Tequila and tips stolen from Oakland's Agave

Burglary caught on video: Tequila and tips stolen from Oakland's Agave
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Tens of thousands of dollars in tips and tequila was taken from an Uptown Oakland restaurant and the burglary, from over the weekend, was caught on camera. The restaurant owner of Agave said he’s frustrated and demanding thieves be held accountable.

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About the Author: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco


  1. Some of you are stupid, asking why the waiters didn't get their tips at the end of the shift. This isn't tip money. Almost no one pays or tips in cash anymore, especially at higher-end restaurants. Owner is inflating the numbers and saying they were tips either for public sympathy or for a phony insurance claim. If he legit carried 10k in cash on hand, he's stocking some of his restaurant – most likely the bar – with stolen goods. Criminals don't take cash apps.

  2. White chick at the end: "How desperate do people have to be that this keeps happening?" Another limousine liberal that thinks all these criminals would be model citizens if they just got more hugs and bedtime stories growing up. This is why Oakland can't get real and fight this crap. Go back to your house in the hills, little girl. Thank your lucky stars you grew up so insulated you never had to deal with this crap and you can live in your little fantasy world while Rome burns around you. But do us all a favor and stop voting so the adults in the room have half a chance to fix what you broke.

  3. BTW, that DA gets paid what? $250-$300k/yr? A 1 minute google search revealed that she hired her bf and paid him like $115k/yr..for WHAT???? These people do NOT care about you. I pulled up a couple of interviews and all she talks about is her race and how she was a foster kid or something. BRUH…WE DON'T CARE. NORMAL PEOPLE ARE NOT OBSEESED WITH RACE LIKE THE DEMONCRATS. WE ARE ALL THE SAME, NO ONE IS BETTER OR WORSE. FIX THE CITY, PUNISH CRIMINALS, actually just quit, or better yet, someone either charge all these 'soft on crime more concerned with woke ideology' public officials, or just vote them all out of office. As long as idiots vote for people like this, our cities will continue to be covered in syringes and feces with out of control crime and homelessness. None of these out of touch multimillionaires on TV defending woke nonsense care about working class people. Remember that poor people are not allowed on TV. That's why old media is dead and you can only get real news on social media, until they censor it. The Demoncrats hate the government and care more about foreigners trying to cross our boarders illegally than they do actual citizens, or vets who have scarified so much for our country. We're living in a nightmare…
    As long as SHE get's a good paycheck and can afford to live in a nice safe neighborhood, away from all the crime, that's what matters. Normal hard working citizens who get up every fucking day to go to work to barely put on the table do NOT matter to these people. The people have elected CLOWNS to be our leaders. Let's send 100s of BILLIONS more of U.S. TAX DOLLARS to fucking Ukraine while our own citizens are struggling to live. What a fucking joke. Dirty news channels covering for Demoncrats just so they can support tHe AgEnDa. Thanks Fox for covering this stuff.
    ps Let's watch more out of touch old multi-millionaires talk about AbOrTiOn during debates in a time where everyone is literally struggling to put food on the table in this horrible Economy. Oh yea, let's also jail our political opponents since that's not totally something a dictator would do. There goes another 5 min of my life…

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