Attorney general candidate in Louisiana, Liz Murril, gets caught on camera spreading lies over fentanyl-laced abortion pills to fearmonger and immediately gets fact-checked. Jayar Jackson and Aida Rodriguez break it down on The Damage Report.
Read more here:
Louisiana’s Republican AG Candidate Falsely Declares Abortion Pills Are Tainted With Fentanyl – https://jezebel.com/louisianas-republican-ag-candidate-falsely-declares-abo-1850757961
“Liz Murrill, Louisiana’s solicitor general and attorney general candidate, believes—or, more likely, wants the rest of us to believe—that drug dealers have slipped opioids into abortion pills. Murrill, whose sharp mind is in charge of leading complex constitutional litigation in the state, is running as a Republican.
During an interview on “Mornings with Brian Haldane” on Thursday, the candidate made her bizarre claim after going legal cannabis. “The fact is that that also creates a great black market, and that’s what actually creates a great avenue for more fentanyl, and they do put fentanyl in pot,” Murrill told the host. “It is also a problem, frankly, with abortion pills. Buy em online, well, they’re gonna have fentanyl in them too.””
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Love your Raptors hat! Canada here.
Fentanyl IS a huge problem, but republicans just can not help themselves from LYING about everything in order to scare people into following their evil policies!!!!!
If you have to lie to make a point, you don’t have a point and you know it!!!!!
Republicans are the demons the bible warned about!
WHAT IN THE FUCK is this crazy pig politician talking about? Stop trying to make the WAR ON DRUGS happen. No body cares anymore if people do drugs. Get over it!
Guns are way more dangerous than fentanyl
Just bought some panties from Amazon. Maybe that's why my ass is so tired lately. Fucking Fentanyl.
Conservatives care about abortions because they need fetuses to be born and grow up to be marks. Marks for grifters or machine guns.
Now I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm an independent and I believe in fact and logic based arguments.
I was sent to the hospital tripping from a weed vape pen (smoked for like 10 years at this point). I'm pretty sure it WAS laced. idk what with, but I do suspect fentanyl.
I'd say that vape pens are possibly laced bc there's so many that are secondhand. Be safe people
Pot and abortion pills and that anything problematic has fentanyl in it. WTF? First of all, as her for a legitimate source of her info. Don;t just let her off babbling this crap without being confronted,
Republicans are simply cowardly liars.
My medicinal marijuana has great terpens nothing harmful
My Greg Abbott oxicontin pill mill products don't have obiden fentanyl adulteration ever.
Ok it's time to start taking law licenses away. Let's get real, Bar Association. You're not the place for drunks, despite your name. I'm wondering if most Republicans can live in reality enough to have a law license, at this point.
Its the same BS just like how they claimed that people were handing out Fentanyl on holloween.
No, but do check your Republican Party membership card. Probably has coke, too.
Well quit laundering the white rich kids money from there importation of illegal drugs like all the cocaine they snort ( donnie,eric , Matt , bobo, )
If it was even remotely true? It bottle neck fentanyl to legal States that can grow it. Really don’t believe them States would jeopardize their business $ for it.
Fentanyl in pot. LOL! Bull crap!
The SCARIEST THING about this story is how reliable Republican projection is. With them
EVERY accusation is a confession……EVERY TIME!!!
To preface this comment, because almost zero people read things correctly online, I believe abortion should be legal, as should morning after pills and also birth control. If you listen carefully to what the woman said, her statement was that almost anything bought illegally online could contain fentanyl. I find it not very likely that abortion pills (even illegal ones) would contain fentanyl but it is possible. And even if not fentanyl, then other contaminants could easily be present. All that aside, this is also a convenient angle of attack against abortion rights. And her claim of fentanyl laced pot is 100% true, my uncle died from smoking fentanyl laced pot bought from someone locally in BC several years ago. I have no confidence that buying from online illegal sellers would be any different. It’s a scourge that we as a society need to eliminate.
OMG she is another crazy trumpet.
Yet another example of how they (far-R) want so very much to put the FEAR in us – however, they often find that we're nowhere near as gullible as their usual audience and their FEAR does not touch us, at all.
I do not fear them.
Politicians used to be smart enough to stay in their lane. Now they think theyre doctors, scientists, economists. Ridiculous get out my doctors office morons.
Republican accuses pharmaceutical manufacturers of lacing their products with a poison. One wrong word should open her up to legal exposer.
She should get herself a box of crayons
and draw a picture explaining her stance.
It would probably make what she's saying a little clearer.
What a myopic, pinhole view of that issue.😑
Arrogance and False Certainty.
Literally an argument for making it legal so it can be safely regulated, yet it's her party who wants to make it illegal and potentially, according to her, put people at risk of fentenyl exposure and subsequent death.
Is she a complete moron . Save our American children by telling them assault rifles contain fentanyl
GQP: "… and those cheap bootleg DVDs, you know the ones? Fent'nuhl.🤪"
Abortion pills cause prostate cancer! 😂
republicans always lie. FACT
So nice of dealers giving up their profit margins.
This is a early start on attacking Halloween candy, which is right around the corner.
I just spent the last 4 years smoking fentanyl!(im on suboxone now) EVERYTHING YOU GUYS HEAR IS ALL LIES!!!
it seems all anyone knows about is the fake oxys from china.
In other news: 200 police officers had an accidental overdose because they watched the interview.
Why can a little country manage this but you guys can't? Doctor visit in New Zealand $19, get a physical, sort your medication whatever it is. Pharmacy cost… zero $$. All children's doctor visits are free.
Hospital is also free.
This is available to everyone who earns less than some hundreds of thousands per year, after that you're charged on a sliding scale.
We're a capitalist society. After The Great Depression in the 1920s they wanted to make sure everyone was cared for.
Wanna know a secret ? Most
Republicans know they’re lying and misleading. .. the ones that aren’t plain crazy that is