Stray puppy was found as a stray and she was on the brink of death

Stray puppy was found as a stray and she was on the brink of death
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We are SO grateful that the amazing rescuer was able to nurse Jade back to health. Jade is happy to be in WNY and off the streets in Texas. She’s definitely more puppy-like and weighs 28lbs now! She was a mere 20lbs when she was rescued. She’s a petite girl, almost like a pocket Pittie, and has such a wonderful personality.

A little bit goes a long way in the rescue world and Jade is forever thankful for her second chance at life. Massive thanks for every support and every donation for giving Jade a wonderful life.

Amazing Dog Rescue Stories:

Rescue of Abandoned Dogs:

Dog’s Amazing Transformations:

Kitten Rescue Stories:

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About the Author: Paws In Need


  1. If I could I would be right there with you now giving you a huge thankyou hug appreciation for your true warm Beautiful heart of a Angel ,GODBLESS 😇 💖 YOU 😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊

  2. Thank you for giving this poor dog the opportunity to have a second chance to life thank you for saving his life thank you for giving the happiness to this amazing dog thank you to the rescue people that help this dog

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