Funny Videos | Instant Regret | Fails Of The Week | Fail Compilation | Fails | RandomFails
Welcome to Fun Time I make meme videos and funny fail videos as well as comps of twitch clips. This video in particular is a girl fails compilation video, that I found in 2023. When I look for videos I try my best to find the most entertaining ones. I hope you enjoy this video. Subscribe if you like my videos 😀
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This video is for entertainment purposes only. My videos are not intended to bully/harass or offend anyone. The clips shown are funny, silly, they relieve stress and anxiety, create good vibes and make viewers laugh.
This video should not be taken seriously.
Do not perform any actions shown in this video!
This video is inspired by Failarmy
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Sis just gave up her password 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🙄
It's amusing to envision all these videos originating from the same college in fails of the week, making it the wildest semester ever.
I can relate to getting angry if my TV looked as blurry in fails of the week.
Side note – 5:03 those are the biggest police lights I have ever seen 😅
5:45 yup. The fruit snacks are almost the best part! Hahahaha 😭
11:22 fake teeth at her age tweeker. humanity will go extinct because of tweekers
🇵🇸 freedom for Palestine
The end was the best. LOL!!!
"Don't ever date a woman who doesn't respect your wife" was the life-changing piece of advise.
4:17 sounds like a zebra
4:16 What the hell room am I even looking at? There appears to be a bathtub with two electrical outlets over it, a toilet, a clothes washing machine, and a cooking range. I know not everybody gets to have multi-room dwellings, but come on. Cooking next to the toilet?
that deaf skit is inhumane but i legit pissed myself crying laughing.. anyway dont do drugs.
04:25 is that a hiccup laugh? I had to burst out loud as i heard this lol
Nice videos 😊😅
That’s SO MEAN to trick your grandma to put a me to in a bottle of Coke. 😂😂😂
Why in the world would anyone in their 20’s have dentures???
That was the advice of a lifetime "don't ever date a woman who don't respect your wife"
Enough of the skit vids! They are stupid!
0:44 stop using this overrated and overused annoying sound
i love watching your vids honestly especially when they're this long 😍 means more fun for me 😂
Marry me, Julie! ❤❤❤
That sound edit that you used at 0:49 and then AGAIN at 12:48 is REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING and should be banned from YouTube. Are you really that untalented that you have to re-use the most over-used sound effect on YouTube ? Enjoy the dislike, idiots.
wtf is walleye tournament? the one with the smallest cock?
Damn!!! don't cross fishermen! jeez brutal public shaming! deserved though!
4:04 that dog will never trust a bush or tree again. Lol 😆
04:16 This laugh makes me want to kill…
That Walleye cheaters still erks me in the worst way. I watched them go before a judge because it's on youtube.
😮5:00 gangster rap made me do it…only in a tesla"…😷
What did Julie do though? I need too know
Her laugh sounds like a guinea pig.
What did Julie do?
Julie is the best.
fun fact “he left for milk and never came back” was originally code for “I killed him”
ppl need to go easy on ppl who just gained the ability to hear seriously
Bruh that messi meme with them sayin the same shii had me weak asf😂
"Two men who used weights and prepared meat to make walleye fish they caught heavier during a tournament in Cleveland last year in an attempt to win a prize of nearly $29,000 have been sentenced to 10 days in jail and had their fishing license suspended.
Jacob Runyan, 43, and Chase Cominsky, 36, on Thursday were sentenced to 10 days local incarceration and one and a half years’ community control and had their fishing licenses suspended for three years, the maximum suspension.
They were also fined $2,500, part of which can be paid to a reputable charity that works with children and fishing, and were required to forfeit Cominsky’s boat, with an estimated worth of $130,000, used during the Lake Erie Walleye Trail tournament in September 2022, according to Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael O’Malley."
I like the video. funny and entertaining
😂 The deaf guy is hilarious 🤣 💀
10:15 🤣🤣🤣
4:26 Wonder what bed noises this lady makes.
WTF is wrong with Julie!? I need to know!
1st one was personal 😂
That dude at the end is f***ed