A magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck Morocco, killing and injuring thousands. The powerful quake hit outside the ancient city of Marrakesh, destroying buildings and damaging a historic mosque. Rescue efforts are underway.
Photo: Fadel Senna/AFP/Getty Images
#Morocco #Earthquake #WSJ
most of their building is made of brick so obviously many will collapse.
Terrible earthquake 😢
Omg! Poor people
This to tell you go back to your God please end of the world is near people you forget your lord your God
Earthquake weapons and climate weaponry on test
World is at end time, jesus coming soon 👆
Praying for the people of Morocco, and Libya. Such death and destruction, my heart breaks for those families who have lost loved ones, hope survivors can still be found.
We are heading back to our time whereby the whole world looked up to Sub-Saharan Africa for wisdom on how the CREATOR of Heavens and earth want us, the humans to behave while living on planet earth.
Morocco 🇲🇦 don't do it again.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun
Don't do vengeance to anybody traited u bad bad., in return let it to the lord.
Maybe it is the rupture
Saksikan manusia bumindan Army dunia kapan akan menimpa bangsamu wilayahmu anakmu istrimu teriak bapak pulang kami tiada ilove papa jadi army yang baik ya walaupun kami kesurga duluan semoga papa tak ketemu kami itulah doa keluargamu diantau kalian mendukung presiden zolim
Feel very sorry for you,ask Jesus to help you,God bless you.❤
They will not repent n ask God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive their sin. They continue in their pride ,Jesus is as good as dead to them.we are only flesh hey God is powerful let put aside pride n run to Jesus' Christ
Inna lillaahi WA inna illayhi raajioon. May all deceased be granted mercy and place sabr in the hearts of all the family and friends. Ameen.
Clearly shows the end times.. We need to embrace for the worse to come.. The Quran warns us. May Allah be merciful..on all of his creation. Ameen Who(country) is next.?.? 🗺
The fault in this case lies with Mother Nature
Poleni sana…much condolences from Kenya
Condolences to family of the victims and to Libya. But this may be God's furry on the Libyans for their inhumane treatment of black Africans in their country.
god bless all
End of days
It’s very sad
It’s very sad
Pakistan offers support to Morocco after powerful earthquake
God have mercy 🙏
Bhagwan Marraco walo ki raksha kare
We are always with Morracan People
संत रामपाल जी महाराज का जन्म 8 सितंबर 1951 को भारतवर्ष के हरियाणा प्रांत में एक छोटे से गांव – धनाना, तहसील – गोहाना, जिला – सोनीपत में हुआ। संत जी ने अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी करके हरियाणा के सिंचाई विभाग में जूनियर इंजीनियर की नौकरी प्राप्त की।
धरती पर अवतार
this keeps happening in islamic coutries…… must be gods will
That's God!!!
God is shaking the world! Repent and turn to our saviour, the Lord Jesus.
Setiap musibah yang melanda pasti ada hikmahnya
People just shoving through and trampling others in that restaurant clip…
Quem tem ouvidos para ouvir, ouça.
Jesus it’s on his way.
Where was the satellite located that day?
earthquake= free meals
Wish I knew a program that I could join to be able to go over there to help rebuild these cities 😢 I would definitely volunteer to do something like that to be able to help
This breaks my heart into a million little pieces…I can't help but weep for you Morocco…My deepest condolences, praying with you from Eswatini
God bless the people in morocco.
This is horrible😢 my deepest sympathy for the affected family and loss of lives….my prayers to all the family and Lost soul.
From Philippines..
Mattew 24;7 KJV
dude Iamactualonhelonearth 🆘
Prayers for all during the quakes.Hopefully survivors will get the proper help they'll need.