We named her Toula 😍She is the girl that Apostolia saved a few days ago- Takis Shelter

We named her Toula 😍She is the girl that Apostolia saved a few days ago- Takis Shelter
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  1. ❤ Awhh, shes a little shorty! Glad shes been rescued quite early in her life. Did Apostalia ever adopt one of the shelter dogs 🐕? If so, which one? She's going to be a fantastic mother 👩. GOD BLESS TAKIS , APOSTILIA & TOULA

  2. she is a little bit lost … there .. she will need time i think she is not really shure what she should do there you are right she need a home .. not a shelter happy dogi …

  3. Que linda cachorrita Toula ,rescato Apostolia y se la llevo al refugio ,es muy buena ,se deja acariciar ,y le atiende cuando la llama Toula .
    Cuando la vean una familia amorosa ,se enamoraran de ella ,y seguro la adoptaran y,y la aran feliz toda su vida .
    Darles las gracias a Apostolia por rescatarls ,y por supuesto a ustedpor darle todo lo que la cachorrita necesita ,asta que la adopten ,y a las voluntarias y equipo ,por toda la ayuda que le dan al Sr. Takis ,con los animales ,y con el refugio y las areas .

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