This is a shocking footage of Natural disasters caught on camera! The moment of the flash floods. It’s a selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on video!
There are some moments in nature that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if they weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every day, it can be very confusing to see them with your own eyes.
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Earth gets angry now 😢
God bless. Stay safe always🙏❤️
Lord have😊 mercy on us.Amen
Daqui para frente só calamidade. Começou o Apocalipse logo aparece o anticristo o salvador de Israel
A mudança climática é culpa de quem????
Onde foi isso????e quando??
Hotová smršť vody která bere vše co jí stojí v cestě
Why not stop this natural force? Yet it is only water. But who controls this natural force? it is ALLAH. Everything that is natural and unnatural there is only one who has this power, no one is associated with him. he has demonstrated all that you see, but there are also supernatural and unnatural things. that you will see it only in the beyond. there is the sacred book of Islam called the 《CORAN》which shows who ALLAH is? and anyone who denies or does not believe in him 《Allah》after death his destination will be the Furnace in eternity. if you are an intellectual then read and then you can criticize what is far from the truth before it is too late, there is no catching up after dea
th. .the 《Quran》is translated into several languages. Good lecture and good discovery.
It’s a sign of the times !!!Bibical things are happening !! It’s not Climate Control People wake up !!!!
Dios mío el fin del mundo lo dice el Apocalipsis de la santa biblia. Dios tenga misericordia de nosotros!!! 🙏😇😥😭
Without the roots of the trees, soil erosion is likely to happen during heavy rains.
Keep safe God bless
La nature en fureur.
So sorry❤
Not normally
Oh mein Gott, schrecklich
Climate change one of the reason why it's happening every country, God bless everyone let's keep praying God for our safety 🙏💜🌹
where is that place
Where is that 😮😮😮😮😮😮😢
OMG have mercy on us