From a ghost video that might show paranormal activity caught on camera to scary footage of a possible jinn in a cave possessing a man, these ghost videos are scaring paranormal investigators. #Ghost #Paranormal #SlappedHam
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7. Silly Casper https://www.tiktok.com/@cheyenne.meyerxo/video/7258449582441467179
6. The owner of this photo said…. “One of my security cameras captured this on video last night… https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=233880956298685
5. Hi slapped ham, my name is trish, this video is from where I work . https://www.facebook.com/reel/1269346400409502
4. A woman decided to let her horse free roam in the yards school to give her a bit of exercise… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=995317481440640
3. الجزء الثاني https://www.tiktok.com/@abu_rumman_/video/7257967403986849025
2. I got this while looking at properties. This old house is located in… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=224365203916927
1. Your going to love this one, from a couple of years ago… https://www.facebook.com/simon.graham.3705/videos/659450862384948
Lightless Dawn by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100655
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
The kid in the first video is so bad the ghost had to discipline him. If nobody else is gonna beat these kids i guess im gone to.
Now I gotta go pull up the Outlaws and hear Ghost Riders in the Sky again. Love the song. Or maybe Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson doing it. IDK whichever. But, the Outlaws do a better job. IMHO
Did anyone else die laughing at the first one?! He didn't even warn us that the ghost was gonna be hilarious! 😂
Ghost said I had it with these damn kids running in my damn house, defiantly a Karen/Kevin poltergeist ghost
That poltergeist was DONE with the kid's shenanigans 😅
0:55 id be so damn mad. Fckin with my kids, pos
The door the kide run into. His face hit the door handle, ouch, that must of hurt.
Love 10-15 minute videos of creepy ghost and Creatures perfect length for a video.
Yup I’m going to hell for laughing at a kid getting whacked on the noggin with a door knob that may have or may not have been opened by a ghost or just from the vibrations of said kid running around 😂
Some remote controls can still work for a few seconds or even minutes after the batteries have been removed I've experienced thiis on many a TV remote , remote controlled toys .and even wireless controllers on PS3 and PS4 .
What amazes me is 3 kids and both adults never looking up from their phones. Only time they will look up is when making kid 4😂😂😂😂
Weird how the fixed cameras are so shakey……..
There was no similarity in the "spirit" to the grandmas picture. The one in the cave needed way more information. Like why were they in there and how did he enter his "trance". Nothing was visible in the cave he pointed at either. But some of these were certainly intriguing.
In the first clip, the kid's collision didn't even move the door closed at all. What happened to equal-but-opposite reactions?
I Am One OF The Scariest Ones Still Alive
From the Times of Our First Videos
People still doubt Who I Am
I think the Jinn video is just a hypnotist. That dude behind him the way he drops is identical to how stage and street hypnosis techniques work
That’s why your parents always told you not to run in the house. It makes the ghosts mad
so glad kallen has his hair back
First video clearly has someone inside the closet. Just need to pause at the right time to see them. Head and hand seen clearly
I think that we just witnessed a (duped) kidnapping!! That guy set them up!!!
We live in a world with HD videos where you can see every pore of the actors on screen and yet ghost fottage is always filmed with an absolute potatoe. Why is there never a picture or video with actually good quality?
High def dick pics or OF content is doable but ghosts not?
I can’t breathe 😂😂😂
Guess who can't sleep tonight
KALLIN?-u should do a live chat u talking 2 u fans-luv ca usa-FIGGUUUUUUUUUUUU
Man that first kid must be super annoying if even ghosts get involved.
😂that kid even annoys the spirit relm
The only ghost riders I know of in America that I’ve ever heard is the Sleepy Hallow headless horseman.
Remote control car 🚗
Everyone talks about tripping kid. Not about this dude with biggest balls ever just to turn around to the ghost chilling in the backround.
So funny, that so many of us shared the same fit of guilty giggles over the spirit having had their fill of the kiddo tearing back and forth through the house. Thank you Kallen ,for all the spooky joy you share with us! You’re awesome!
What happened to just like this? That was my favorite part of ur videos
In that picture of the house there is not only a face of a woman. Take a look at the upper right corner of the same window. There seems to be a male face of a more demonic caracter.
Ghost rider & cave enqunter vedio is very creepy 😳😳😳😳
I enjoy this stuff… im not sure if I'm 100% on board but please keep this stuff coming
I'm unsubscribing, too much of you, vids are enough without your narration.
Too much talking, you like the sound of your own voice. Let's just watch the vids shall we ! You spoilt it with your nonsense jibber jabber.
*BATHORY STARTS BLASTING IN THE BACKGROUND * during ghost rider lmao 🐎 😈😈😈🤘
The thing on that horse looks like a small being not a small child but some other thing like gnome, little people, etc.
Clearly the child was knocked down by the ghost of a hockey player… classic body check.
The third clip looked as if someone or something was pulling the trolly – interesting vid! 👍🏻
why am i watching this fakery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!