Do you LOVE Golden Retriever Puppies as much as we do?
»Original video from: marlinandbuster on IG
» Instagram: Cutest_Goldens
» TikTok: Cutest_Goldens
BUSINESS ONLY: cutestgoldensinstagram@gmail.com
Our purpose, when making these compilation videos, is to share the love of these adorable fluffballs. We share the videos we upload on our Instagram and TikTok accounts and we always give credits to the video owners, on Instagram, and on TikTok.
If anyone were to have an issue with us sharing their videos here please let us know and we will happily remove the clip, video or come to an agreement.
#Dog #puppy #goldenretriever
Yes like a slave do anything and everything for him 😂
Que es su juguete?
Omg! Please don't stretch his cute face out of shape then he will have that droppy face old dog look prematurely.
Ohhh please stop you are embarrassing me
Ohhh NO
U r trouble nd i love you
Rubber nose! I have 2 the same age…
Very calm to let you do that❣️🐾🐾♥️
When your nails rise up ⅓” from your mail at the cuticle … seek refund for manicure. Agree that the dog is adorable.
А бедная собака думает- я же не игрушка, хватит мою красивую мордочку сжимать 😅
Hört auf den kleinen zu ärgern das ist gemein ❤
Cuteness ❤❤❤❤❤Joan
He said fluff you