This is one of the SCARIEST nights we’ve EVER HAD while filming our show… something tried to KILL us. This is no joke, and the footage that we captured is absolutely terrifying. This demonic haunted hospital is one of the scariest we’ve ever visited… and the paranormal activity that we captured in there is NO JOKE. Demons caught on camera, ghost evidence and more, ALL in ONE video… you’re watching, “THE PARANORMAL FILES”.
Every week “The Paranormal Files” travels around the world to ghost hunt, search for skinwalkers, investigate demons and capture paranormal evidence. Join us as we grow the spooky family, release real paranormal videos and adventure together!
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Colin’s INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/colinbrowen/
Jeff’s INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/papa.spooks/
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🎵 Colin’s music! (“Sun, Sand & Sadness”!) 🎵:
COMMENT “Stay Spooky!” And LIKE tonight’s video for a chance to win a FREE GIFT BAG!!!
This is the finale to our Montana series and Papa Spooks and I are SO appreciative of y’all for joining us for these videos. We love y’all so damn much and THANK YOU for the support. We are currently in Missouri (with Connor) filming a new 6 part series which includes trips back to some of the craziest places we’ve ever been to…. Get ready for a SPOOKY, wild ride!!!!
Stay spooky!
"cant shoot a ghost", best ever idea for a song or hip hop song.
Your a younger version of jasko and Ben keep going guys you'll go far
Those voices coming through that thing were straight CREEPY😳Sounded like a possessed person😮
👋🤡 hello Colin hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha 🪳
This is my first video from this channel but I hope y'all really placed boundaries down with this one before leaving. The whole thing screamed of something trying to attach itself to you. The other alternative is that the patients were causing the problems in the hopes that you would leave and not be caused any harm from the negative influences there but I'm not even sure which one is worse 😅
Stay Spooky!
Stay spooky! 🤪
It seems like it was a child perhaps or just a trickster or something, but whatever it was, it did say it was envious of you, so maybe it wanted to kill you to join it or something 😰
Papa Spooks – please work on your shielding. Empaths need to do more to safeguard themselves. They should not be able to affect you without your permission. You are in so much danger!!!
Stay spooke
Stay spooky
Sometimes i wonder if negative spirits envy good souls
413 is my area code LOL weird
Hey Colin. I have been watching you guys religiously for years. Every Monday nite is what I look fwd to for the debut of the week's show.
I don't know how else to say this, but I've always had a gift. I can hear iambic pentameter (the rhythm of someone's words) like a 6th sense.
I'm just gonna say one thing, then I will digress.
I'm not sure if it's just this show…I will have to go bk and watch others, but I am so disappointed I can't even believe this. I'm questioning the authenticity of this one. I'm almost in tears right now bc I have grown to love you and your fam, and have held y'all to the highest esteem bc y'all are the "real deal". My 6th sense is 100%. I hope that this is the only one I pick up on…or the only one that exists. This is the last thing I wantes to say in a comment. Please know that it xomes from a place of love and admiration. Okay? Do better please. I don't want this level of disappointment with y'all. Luv u and Jeff😢😢♡♡♡
I used to live in Butte. This and the Dumas are real hotspots.
Safe travels 🙏🏻 😊❤
Great seeing you ❤️ ♥️ again Connor and Colin together tonight 😊😊🎉🎉
Staying Spooky 👻 for life Paranormal rockstars hello 😊hahahaha ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Shout out to you Jeff poppa Spooky 👻 God's got 🙏🏻 your back amen 🙏🏻❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
We love Y'all as well so dammed much❤😊
57:42 is that knocking?
Paranormal files have you investigated the thunderbird lodge
I have a feeling abortions happened there. Killing of the innocent can open demonic portals
!!! 21:20 Look behind the girl on the floor near the wheel chair !!! Looks like something passes extremely fast !!! Camera glitch???
Idk, this seems like a cross over video
I love you Papa Spooks…you straight trying to point out that ya'll aren't folks who bring dead pigeons with ya'll from investigation to investigatio. 😂. I have been watching since Colin started this, and I have a certain amount of trust. I look at ya'll as never fckn around with me. Kinda like any other Missourian would (you know, "Show Me" is because we need to see it to believe it) but I WISH I could get my family to be interested like me. I have a shortened life compared to others and I want to understand all the things that we can before I go onward without everyone else. I get drained in certain places, asking certain questions of the unseen.
Stay spooky people
The strobe flashing on the flash light made it difficult to watch this video. 😔