I share three stories about people who went to places near the ocean they should not have gone and things went very wrong for them. This is a vacation and travel horror story.
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00:00 Intro
00:18 Story 1
08:28 Story 2
15:11 Story 3
Music by:
Emmit Fenn
Rage Sound
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Copyright © 2023 MrDeified. All rights reserved.
#mrdeified #maui
#vacation #hawaii
Also Mr Deified
My dad saved my mom from drowning a few years ago. They were on a greek island and she swam out too far, then realized she was dragged out into the sea more and more. She fought to get back to shore but her strength was waning, she started to go down. No one noticed but then my dad saw her head from far away on the beach, how it was bobbing in and out of the water. There were no lifeguards near so he ran and swam as fast as he could to reach her in time, and toghether they made it back on last reserves. So insane and horrific to think that I could have gotten a call the next day, saying my mother had drowned in the sea. I can't start to think about it. Island currents are tricky and dangerous, stay close to the beach, people.
I got pulled out to sea on night dive….way out….darkness in all directions …..I thought it was the end …..if you ever get pulled out….RESIST URGE TO PANIC and DO NOT FIGHT THE CURRENT !
So. I've now put a line thru Tenerife & Coastal Spain as places to visit before I die. Ok. Well. Thanks for that then. 🫣
My husband thanks you,
He says: my luck is such that I would be the next old lady to fall & be taken away by the sea. (I'm kind of danger prone.) So, he thanks you sincerely. 😊❤🤕
I wouldn't dive into a bad ocean like that, to act Superman.
Why die too ?…..makes no sense.
People who risk their lives, must understand…..CONSEQUENCES are possible.
Never underestimate the sheer power of Mother Nature! She can be equally cruel as she is kind.
My Condolences to the families of those lost at sea.. 🐚
No Maui videos here
Sad and unnecessary
C'est pas l'homme qui prend la mer
I'm not jumping into those kinds of waters to save someone who was acting reckless. Call me selfish but I'd only try for someone dear to me
In the 3rd story did the elderly couple die or not? I couldn't believe they walked right up to the already large waves then right into the really big one SMFH
I remember when i wasn't a strong swimmer and i went and leapt off the most treacherous death cliff that i could find , cos that's normal
Ten-er-reef not Ten-er-reef-ay 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Don’t put other people at risk to save you (even when it is their job) just because you decided to be stupid. Take some responsibility.
Here’s the thing. If you succeed you ARE the man (or woman) you are so brave, lucky ETC! If you fail? Well then you are a fool, dumb a——, stupid a—— etc. kind of like a million atta boys is overshadowed by 1 oh shit!
One look at the footage of the waters where Danil and Emma lost their lives and you have to conclude that this was a likely outcome. Sorry, but only somebody who was very careless with their life would risk jumping into those churning waters. Even with a life vest you still would be in grave danger!
Human strengh is nothing against the powers of nature.
Should have spend more time in the cardio part of the gym…
Every one of these made me mutter to myself. If you're not a strong swimmer don't get in the darn water!
Danill was not natty. Man was juiced to the gills
I would've liked to see these videos…
That third story is wrong. That man actually saved those 2 old people, barely. But he did.
If there are warnings not to go to a area:
Do not go! Especially if you are tourists and don’t know the area!!!
So sorry for those who lost their lives so courageously trying to save others.
Not a strong swimmer but cliffjumps. Really?
MrDeified! The final product of your work is amazing! Every single story, you showed compassion for the victims & discussed facts that help us viewers "what to do & what not to do". Very informative, real & heart-wrenching!
The sea looked insanely rough that day. Why would anyone jump into that?
Here in Hawaii, many tourists take in the beauty by disrespecting warning signs, whereas every day, i can hear the amvulance passing by and heading to one of our beaches to save someone! What also bothers me is that these individuals dont stop to think that they are jeopardiIng innocent bystanders and 1st responders due to their own stupidity! The ocean is not a swimming pool or bathtub. It will punish you as quickly as u turn your back to it!
God is thinning the herc
It’s ten ner reef the e is silent bro
For the algorithm 👊
inaction… call for help WHERE and frig that. People need to take responsibility for their own lapse of judgement and stupid decisions I mean I feel bad esp because I just love elderly people but I am not jumping in that ocean after you if you did not see the danger, those waves were HUGE and no WAY am I sending myself to my death because you lack common sense. I would have done exactly what the person filming did. Well firstly, I would have told my friend he is an id8ot and the 2 elderly ppl as well to go down there and then secondly, if they insisted on being Darwin award winners that day I would have warned them of the wave just like he did and then prbly just called the cops and then called it a day, no way would I jump in after since a Darwin award is not on my list of awards I want to win
Where was his wife? Why was he off swimming with some other trainer? Could be karmic
7:50 where can i find this ??
kinda thought that Iceland's black beach would be included in this list, feels like someone dies there almost every year, usually foreigners that don't heed the warnings
The first guy should’ve just let her drown. Why the hell would you jump into the water if you aren’t a strong swimmer.
So….Did the Grandma and Grandpa survive??!!!?!?!
There are heroes all around us, big kind helpful hearts.
So I take it you couldn’t find any information on the elderly couple.
Since their fate wasn’t disclosed at the end…
(Rhetorical) since iv never seen you reply to a question…I’ll assume they lived.
A tourist trap
Jumping is not diving. Diving is not jumping. Big differences!!!
Muscles don't help you in the ocean, you just wight more and need to spend more energy trying to stay afloat
I love your videos mr deified I watch them alot
Mr. Ballen’s influence is so huge
Great video like always my friend !
don't f with the ocean!
Great story-telling man! Thank you!! 🫡
Why did you spend so much time on Gagarins background which didn’t really pay off that much yet for the other stories you barely mentioned their backstory?
they aren't courageous, they're just stupid.
I love that all the sheep that wore masks are forever on video