100 Craziest Animal Fights of All Time 2023
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In the cruel world of animals, battles are more than common. Fierce fights are not only an indicator of their physical strength, but also represent their skills, instincts, and strategy. There is no room for mistakes or weakness in these battles. Speed, grace, and precision are the main weapons of most animals. That’s why their fights always look very spectacular! And you will see the most exciting battles right now!
For copyright matters please contact us at: djaxent@gmail.com
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!
It's coming
First clip ram doing the Doggie
Boring video, made even worse by the even more dull and boring commentary.
Why is it always an American accent,machine or other has to make commentary on African wildlife. Most of the time they get the animal name mixed up .A really understands the difference between a Cheetah and a Leopard. Shame.
That's how sharks mate, the males latch onto a pectoral fin, hard
Ever heard of the word most..?….Why do animal videos seem to attract especially stupid wording?
the commentator doesnt know the difference between an ostrich and an emu
The so called "barking obstacle" was not the reason the horse bit it. The horse's over enthusiastic arrival was exuberance & miss judging it's terrain. 😆 So funny…..And what the hell is a white tailed eagle?
So many mistakes I stopped counting, random videos put together without any research or basic knowledge of animal behaviour. Any kindergartener can tell the difference between ostriches and emus or cheetahs and leopards some even can tell the difference between crocs and alligators, monkeys and apes.
Why the clickbait? When I got to the part about the orca and the polar bear, it was actuathe bear that won. Remember that part?
Can someone please tell me why people are allowing their dogs to get hurt flashlight on a porcupine with your dogs people really help you wrong with you
can you give a more sensible comments ?
At 44:08 it weren't any aligator getting attacked
A Lion fighting a bear ?! Animals from 2 different continents.
Most people prefer their replays AFTER the clip – not during. Really annoying.
how could a huge elephant be afraid of a small rodent? … similar reason why a humongous human is scared of a tiny ebola virus
like…. its nature, animals gotta eat. Also like 15% were repeated. Lazy uploader bloating the time.
Sad that people just watched in some of these videos and took the videos and didn't stop what they could of yes I do know there where some they couldn't of helped as it wouldn't of been safe but in some they could of.
Still watching