30 Times Animals Messed With Wrong Opponents! Best animal fights in the wild caught on camera.
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If you could choose to be any creature in the animal kingdom, I bet you would have chosen to be something big and deadly! But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to dominate every opponent that challenges you in a vicious fight. If you don’t have the intelligence, you might even lose to a tiny little chicken. Watch this video till the end and you’ll be shocked!
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Which animal do you think is superior, the Tiger or the Lion?
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It's funny how when the snake tried to slither away the rabbit is like "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!!" 😂
You tricked me into watching that video with a picture of a lion being eaten by a crocodile?
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Fun fact: kimono dragons are poisonous and once they bite something, they follow it around for a week or more and once it's weak it eate it hole
Dikhao or dekho or no no ok
Orangutan is not a Gorilla
Lions work as a team, thats their advantage, and with that, the tiger wont last long.
Id remain a human anyday, though I'd like to shapeshift when needed.
Actually a big croc could kill and eat a lion no problem
Pfhh tigers are for pυssy ladies, we the men choose lions👑
The cameran man is faster
4:43 The rhino is almost certainly going to die as the elephant gored it with both tusks. If it hadn't wriggled free, the elephant was going to crush it. When African elephants want to kill something quickly, they pin it with their tusks and rest their forehead on it. Then they lift their front legs and crush the offender under their massive weight.
10:49 So sad to see a rhino in this state. It's horn was likely removed as an anti poaching measure. Poachers don't kill rhinos without horns so many are dehorned to try and preserve them. Unfortunately this renders them near defenseless. Dehorned rhinos lose huge swaths of their territory and females are unable to protect their calves from predators.
12:04 A male Bengal tiger would almost certainly kill a male African lion in a one on one fight. Though they don't share common habitat in the wild, lions would be the dominant species if they did. Lions live in prides, tigers are solitary. The reason lions seldom lose fights with other predators (unless against other lions) is that it's almost never a one on one situation.
When the iguana was running from snakes it look like a movie
Why the baby giraffe have to die😭😭😭
Sorry. The cheetah is far from the fastest animal in the world.
3:46 never seen a croc run that fast tho 😂
If Cheetah's could talk, they would probably say 'You can hide but you can't run' to their victims
Love the vids but calling Antelopes dear and orangutans Gorrilas triggers me
6:28 I think the giraffe mother has done everything she can.
That lion was a big scared
Man I’ll be a honey badger😂😂
why stop the tape when not finished.. annoying
Lion solos tiger
I love your videos a lot but this animal series is my fav ! Pls do more of them !
Which animal would you want to be, he ask? Me , human.
I want to become a lion. My main goal of life would be to become undisputed king of jungle. And will kill bengal tigers for game.
I would be a Harpie Eagle, king of the skies.
04:02 lion need’s hernia surgery
Tigers are jnown to be smarter than lions, i might vote tiger.
11:24 snakes are my chinese zodiac, and i absoloutley love reptiles. im not scared of snakes unless its a constrictor or a venomous one. or a rattlesnake shaking at me.
12:00 Owls.
Peregrine falcons are the fastest animal not cheetah , is the fastest land animal
I think a crock because it’s a little Dino
Both are beautiful and deserve respect. I would be a lion for the earned status
3:27 That’s an Orangutan. You have triggered me. 😅
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0:49 Is this clip from JURASSIC PARK?
Tiger bc its my fav animal