The 3X 50 SCARY Ghost Videos To WATCH This AUTUMN!
The SCARIEST videos of paranormal activity, ghosts, shadow figures, demons CAUGHT on camera. This time you will see not 20 but a list of 50 scary and chilling recordings. Are these videos REAL or FAKE?. In today’s episode of 50 SCARY Ghost Videos To WATCH This AUTUMN! You’ll see: A compilation of the best and scariest videos you can watch SPRING . Creepy, scary, unexplained and bizarre things caught on tape.
Check my other videos:
10 Unbelievably SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Haunt Your Dreams!
10 SCARY Videos You Won’t Believe Are Real!
10 Ghost Videos That Will Haunt You!
10 SCARY Ghost Vides That Are Really TERRIFYING!
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00:00 Intro
00:05 Number 50
02:56 Number 49
08:23 Number 48
16:54 Number 47
23:21 Number 46
27:24 Number 45
31:05 Number 44
43:45 Number 43
44:34 Number 42
52:26 Number 41
55:02 Number 40
59:50 Number 39
1:01:15 Number 38
1:06:29 Number 37
1:13:02 Number 36
1:19:28 Number 35
1:23:47 Number 34
1:32:52 Number 33
1:42:23 Number 32
1:48:33 Number 31
1:52:25 Number 30
1:58:08 Number 29
2:07:39 Number 28
2:08:42 Number 27
2:13:04 Number 26
2:19:22 Number 25
2:22:12 Number 24
2:23:23 Number 23
2:31:53 Number 22
2:34:32 Number 21
2:35:08 Number 20
2:38:38 Number 19
2:08:28 Number 18
2:47:49 Number 17
2:48:41 Number 16
2:51:03 Number 15
2:51:52 Number 14
2:53:44 Number 13
2:54:58 Number 12
2:58:58 Number 11
2:59:28 Number 10
3:02:00 Number 09
3:02:52 Number 08
3:05:16 Number 07
3:06:08 Number 06
3:08:31 Number 05
3:13:49 Number 04
3:18:01 Number 03
3:21:13 Number 02
3:26:08 Number 01
3:26:57 OUTRO
The Squad
Nuke’s Top 5
Sir Spooks
#scaryvideos #ghosts #caughtoncamera #scary #ghost
was tim the security dude meant to be funny ? surely that wasnt supposed to be real ?
#45 looks pretty good.. hard to make those clean cuts so quickly.. the face going through the door looks super fake.. but the timing of the boy disappearing everytime is actually pretty good
That first one has already debunked, there was another person there.
Dont play with fire if you dont want to get burnt.. cut out the draMa dudes…
Gotta be careful going to places ppl recommend could be a set up!
Watching alone getting scared

The instance Saver saw the arms in the dark he should have shined his light on them. But he waited. He walked toward the arms and only shined his light after whoever was assisting him had time to run away and not be caught. Those arms were scary but Saver's inaction just reinforced in my mind that it was not real.
Disappointed with videos
Judging by the number of videos removed ( I guess due to copyright? ) this should be renamed the Top 40 videos.
yeah the rake one is so fake, the rake has nice teeth and a human head yeah right
@ 22:35 before the child like shadow moving for Frank in the cemetery.. Did anyone notice a ball making a rattle noise, rolling across the graveyard? Something was there!
Pete and ash lol do u really think a rake would be in a hoody
They get Chinese guy to sit in the chair facing the other way
clearly ghosts sit on chairs sideways
I noticed the Chinese guys always look at the ghost behind them to make sure they got it in frame
Iranians will not forgot & will not forgive those who cooperated or remained silent in crimes & killings with dictatori created by foreign govts with aim of destroying us.
Iranians will never forgive & forget those who cooperated or silenc their govts in crimes against us&dictatorship they established in Iran. Pls support iranians.
A few people on YouTube have been saying that diego spykers has told people that his videos are not real? I don't know what to think? Does anyone else know about this?
Loved it! Totally watched while I made a batch of salsa (harvest season) I get best of both worlds, absolute “wth” moments while cooking and it’s not my cooking that’s scary.

Did you see win it trow The cure in The back in The window Thea Black thing in their
Hey guys I have a dark Shadow and The dam thing can change to look like you I'm not joking around I don't care you guys don't believe me I know I seen out my 2 eyes come down in my room get behind me you talk about some one about to shit my self I don't know what it wont I was watching Jay station call blooded Mary in my room I have a mirror I didn't think shit could happen like that I seen a gril have a while dress her fucking head look down and I can see my live room in my mirror I seen her walk by that was on a nother night guys you don't have to believe shit but I know first hand I seen out of my eyes I'm not BS you I'm not a BS around with no one I don't give BS I'm not taking BS but I know 100% I seen
Seen all these videos already between other channels. Some are decent others not as much.
Man I just wanna congratulate Mr. timsaver with video #46 for having huge balls of steel bcuz most mfs would have NOPED right the f*ck outta there when they saw that thing waiting there to play patty cake with him or some sh*t!! Lmao
side note btw, XX Thank You once more for another
video my dude. Keep up the awesome work man, your definitely in that top tier of YouTubers making this kinda content that’s for damn sure!!
Much love, stay safe and God Bless you all! 
You a ghost hunter Dale, that's why you do that lol people that hunts ghost has balls of steel
I love this channel!!!
Goose pimples debunked the first video it’s his room mate and the camera distortion happend erlyer in his stream also
At 105 weird noises one. Y'all brought them to u y going in forest Nd following you home. Since y'all ain t going to them now there gonna come to u
Second video. Why in THE HECK is a Church haunted??????
13:18 why wouldn't u turn the flashlight on while u see her arms why wait till they disappear
Really nice video's
Thank you!!
What's up buddy I think it's distortion of the camera
but who knows thanks for the entertaining creepy stuff video
buddy blessings
Spirits aren't going to talk through a cell phone app. That shit is programmed. Jfc