WoW Classic Hardcore deaths officially certified by Blizzard
by @classichc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cQsN_N6duc
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Tanking sm armory on harod. Boas fight starts , group of elite adds spawn in his room warlock runs off , healer instant oom and boom goes the dynamite. Other players are your worst enemies.
We've been getting hit through walls for 10 years. Lol no reason for them to not be able to fix it after a damn decade.
Respawn of mobs suck. This game have lot of deficit, many deaths are even not players fault. What a waste of time. Would be nice if you die… players that find your corpse can loot it like a chest and take your stuff…. at least some positive thing during drowned time…
Mana Shield does not work for poisons, thats what killed the guy in the last clip.
you keep saying the deaths are not fair but this is classic wow…this is how the game was made and we wanted no changes..another reason why i think hardcore is dumb…eventually everyone dies..so all that time and energy is just wasted…lol no thx
HC playable for streamers and no-lifers. I feel no sympathy for any of them dying in this game.
5:27 also i wouldnt call it a mistake if he relied on the fact that the game was going to work.
I understand the no changes for classic. But classic wasn't designed for a hardcore play through. Blizz should fix stuff accordingly, just for hardcore imo.
The falling off maps and hits through walls, for example.
16:55 didnt even fear but after ratting out his friend im glad he died
I'd hope the guy who fell through the floor is/was able to appeal that shit. Same thing with the mage and the attacks going through the wall. Bug deaths like that should absolutely be allowed to restore the character. It's not like they were overconfident or did something stupid. I hate how so many on the forums after I searched to see if there is an appeals process said essentially 'git gud and do agane' and you KNOW they'll be the ones who scream the loudest when it happens to them.
The only time I ever died 1-60 in vanilla back in 2006 was from BGs or group wipes. All my solo questing was fine (rogue vanish) so I reckon I would safe it to 60 with quests lol
that Wando guy is in my guild and this is the 2nd time i see him in one of these disaster clips. duly noted. not grouping with him.
He too playin hc and yet made it past lvl 5?
Aint no way asmon doesnt pre watch these
I didn't expect someone to be a victim to die in Sunken Temple by stepping into a hole to its doom which never heard of it.
It's true, it's stupid, but despite that, it's there and both you Asmon and everyone else know it, so if someone dies like that, it's because they're stupid.
can't the warrior at 5:35 – 5:40 ish submit a ticket since he has a video clip of him glitching through the wall like that?
that wasn't a death on his end, a duel, overpull mob, bossmechanics, mob mechanics,etc.
that was a blizzard's fault death.. no?
That last one was pretty horrible. Dude had iceblock and never used it.
I farmed the hell out of that area on my mage. There's a few areas that have no caster mobs but they hit pretty hard. If you're 1-2 levels above them it's a joke to farm.
Notice most of these deaths are to mobs the same level or higher than the players dying?
It's hardcore, why risk resists/misses?
The way the guy bugs tf out of the map was so funny hahahahaha best clip ever
Poor Wando, made it through a gnomer wipe last video just to die like this…
17:51 Asmon turns into a worgen.
THAT"S what mages get for AOE frost. HAHHA
good video
Z-axis hits are indeed a strange old bug but its not realy new and you should know about it if you play classic and plan around it, Alot of the deaths to it are completly avoidable if they played with that in mind. and compared to the new "windfury" bug they introduced with vanila classic id say Z-axis ranks lower in things that need to be fixed.
all i have to say for the first one "mage brain"
In real life Two portals just opened up in front of you, one takes you to the Undercity the other takes you to Stormwind, which one do you take if any?
>Watching a Death Comp
"Yeah I think he can make it out…"
ZZZZZZ when Som 2 ? noone cares about zzzHC
I was in westfall hills working on the last defias leg, on my warrior. I was kiting one mob away from two others and 3 mobs respawned ONTOP of me. So 3 new melee, plus the two melee i was kiting and a mage. I was slowed which allowed the mage to get a freeze off. 80% 30% 3% dead.
A question that cme in my mind.
If you are playing classic HC as a hunter and you Pet die, do you ress it or abandone and get a new one?
Z axis attacks are so stupid – even worse through thick stone walls — I mean like wtf :/
@5:30 smooth pulls rip!
I will never understand how people find this game fun, hardcore or not. I played till max level and then got so bored i quit
17:51 Asmonwolf crying out to the moon in absolute mourning from that one haha