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What kind of breeder does not protect with vaccinations and parasite protection?? Backyard breeders I guess.look at the wonderful care these pups are getting now.
Crimson is soooo cute!!!!
those bassets are so cute with their huge ears!😍😍
Oh my gosh – so cute with those huge ears!
Soooo Happy to see Queeky and Sqeecky back! Since you got the new leather sofa, I was worried why they were not in your weekly round-up videos! Love them to pieces, just like ya’ll, happy to see them content and happy at your clinic! Would you consider them as your permanent resident kitties?! ❤❤❤
You should start to question all these vaccines. No necessary for human or animals!
Krusty Kristopher looks amazing!! Hard to believe he's the same dog. And those basset hound siblings are too cute wagging their tails in sync 😆
I LOVE that final song by Ruth!
Have a rescue basset of my own. Loved that you saved them. If anyone else sees any bassets like that out there there are rescue organizations just for them. They will even take in mixed bassets.
Leaving a comment to help!
I'm thinking the little black dog that you neutered is Great Dane and whatever else.
So many great adoption announcements at the end!
I'm glad Dr. Karri took over this channel!
Beautiful MaineCoon. Definitely Zha Zha Gabor.
I love Bassett Hounds! I've had three over the years. The last two were after my husband and I were married. He had never been owned by a Bassett before but quickly wondered how he had ever lived without one. Of course both girls were daddy's girls no matter what I did. ❤❤❤
Love hearing that old school outdo again. Please keep it in! As usual great job!
Crimson 🥹 I love that little no teeth having chunker 🤣 I would so adopt him if I could !
Thanks for all you do
Thank you Dr. Karri for saving all these PRECIOUS LITTLE ANGELS and giving them the Best Love and care❤️ I miss your videos and hope you all are doing well 🌹 May God be with you all and all these PRECIOUS LITTLE ANGELS 🙏🙏🙏🐕🐕🐕😂🐈🐈🐈💋❤️🌹
Thank you Vet Ranch & Abandoned Pet Project for ALL you do for these animals!!! I’ve noticed Ricky Bobby isn’t on the APP “adoptable dogs” list – did he get adopted? Any updates on him?
i wanna come work with you guys love seeing you women owning the world!
Breeders and euthanasia need to be STOPPED!!!! Spay and Neuter ALL!!!!!!
Such cute little mischief makers::)).
I can't believe 😢 they wanted 2 euthanize 2 perfect beautiful Beagles. They r adorable. So glad u rescued them. I would love 2 have them, but I know u will find homes 4 them.
Fresno is just stunning.
I love that she knows the “dumb ways to die” song😂
Honest to God I’ve never seen a cat with no teeth before
Soooo adorable
Awesome job!!! I used DNA My Dog for my three pups.
Thanks…now I have a mental image of a "say no to testicles" T-shirt in my head 🤣🤣🤔🤔
Thanks for bringing back the of song in the outro🥲
Waiting for pups to grow into their ears is a whole vibe. ❤
Thank you Vet Ranch for all you do
If I could have a cat, I would totally adopt Fresno, he has the same attitude I do!
You played the original song!!!!