Best Of Crashing Car Caught On Dashcam

Best Of Crashing Car Caught On Dashcam
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Best Of Crashing Car Caught On Dashcam

Insane car fails and idiot drivers, idiots in cars & idiots at work compilation.

We are always impressed with the incredible moments when the car fails and breaks down. What are you waiting for from car fails compilation? Guess what surprises we’ll have caught in the car fails? Let’s get started!

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This video is researched by Rosetta B. Doyle
Geo coordinates 35.404159, -119.452888
Mother’s maiden name Cary
Birthday: 1968-11-12 Age 54 years old
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We does not own the rights to these idiots in cars clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images removed. Please contact me:
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About the Author: SWAG Fails


  1. 7:25 This clip is a good illustration of bad road design; intuitively that road should be like 35 mph limit, it is long, straight, and has few intersections. idiots in cars

  2. lmfao @ 3:44 – ive driven this stretch of construction before. its been a construction zone for so long that ive done it twice in the last year. it can be quite tempting to do something like that but the fear of doing it, and then ending up only one car a

  3. 4:44 even though there were so many cones in the right lane if he really wanted to drive like that there’s so much space he probably didn’t have the skills idiots in cars

  4. The problem with a lot of these videos is the distances seems really far on camera, because of the fisheye lens, but in reality its much closer. I once had an extremely close call within a couple of inches, but reviewing the dash cam footage looked like

  5. Im amazed how often watching these videos if the cam driver practiced defensive driving, was more observant or just more relaxed how many less problems wed have on the roads. idiots in cars

  6. 16:35 Technically they did nothing wrong… the camera is VERY clearly labeled Front Parking, and I defy you to tell me that car isnt parked now… Heck, its not going ANYWHERE for a while. idiots in cars

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