Border collie puppies | Funny and Cute dog video compilation in 2022.
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Dogs will make you laugh. Cutest and funniest Puppies. Try not to laugh. Dogs that will make you go Awww! Nothing cuter than cute little puppies.
#Dogs #Funny #Puppies
🐶 Cutest Puppies 🥰 Funniest Dogs 🤣 Awesome Doggos Compilation Video 🐕
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Love to all bordercollies growns and puppies, so lovely and smart
Bordercollies best dogs in the world
We ended with with a border collie mix pup. She was supposed to be a chi weenie but is actually more border collie Australian shepherd mix. Luckily she a small medium sized dog. But oh does she has energy
Collies are beautiful, stupid, crazy and we can't help but love them. Ours is a short haired called Kane.
they are beautyfull, some looked just like my border, I love him.
i like it Border Collies and Pitbulls my favourite dogs ❤