🛑 Submit your clips: https://forms.gle/7LKzTdvHwnmZmZ439
⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@gmail.com
⚫ Links to the original videos:
1. u/Threedawg – — No, you will NOT rear end me today. ( Colorado )
2. u/0xd00d – — Threading the needle ( MA, on 95 south )
3. D Campbell – — ( Capitola, CA )
4. Anonymous – — Cutting me off ( )
5. Gordo – — ( Chicago IL )
6. Anonymous – — ( Friendswood Texas )
7. Norm – — ( Pennsylvania )
8. Rick Green – https://youtu.be/5kAyLn9cHLI — Haney Bypass Bad Driver ( Maple Ridge, BC )
9. Jake – — ( Braintree, MA )
10. Anonymous – — ( Haymarket, VA )
11. Anonymous – — ( Hamilton, OH )
12. KingsMadHouse – — ( Romeoville Illinois )
13. DetroitDriving – https://youtu.be/vKoaAPLpcNI — ( Detroit, Michigan )
14. Warren Currell – https://youtu.be/pb0CMxEmoPA — Car accident Oct 31, 2019. ( Toronto )
15. Car Ramrod – — ( Newburgh IN )
16. Lee Dunkeson – https://youtu.be/666QaPduiQg — Rear Ended in our Tesla ( Modesto, CA )
17. Trevor Sun – — ( London Ontario )
18. Anonymous – — ( Wichita, KS )
19. Get_higgy – — ( Woodbury, MN )
20. UrGodIsDead – https://youtu.be/VazI02N3vqQ — Comin’ in Hot! ( NJ Meadowlands, NJ )
21. Alonethefifth – https://youtu.be/oWG6zAm3T1k — I used my friend’s car crash as a Midwest Emo song intro ( Pomona, California )
22. DoctorGloom – — ( Denver, CO )
23. BubbleNeko – — ( Jamestown TN )
24. Teddy Hubbell – — ( I-95, Rhode Island )
25. Anonymous – — ( Charlotte NC )
26. OttawaDriving – — ( Ottawa, Canada )
27. Maynard J Keenan – — ( Carmichael, CA )
28. Barry – — ( San Diego, California )
⚫ My socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dashcamlessons/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashcamlessons
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamlessons
⚫ Intro song:
My Country – Ben Bostick
Number 3, great seeing Capitola, lovely little coastal town. Sucks for the cammer.
The funny thing about all of these blind spot issues is people do NOT have their side mirrors set correctly, you should not see behind you, you should see THE BLIND SPOT
Recommendation: Dashcam Lessons vs. DDS TV
Wow #12 takes place in the future
When will people learn… You never cross 3 lanes of oncoming traffic if you cannot see what is in all 3 lanes. How many clips on Dashcam Lessons have we watched as they try to cut across, because of those "Polite" drivers in the left and middle lane are holding, and someone is blasting down the right lane and into them. The EMS vehicles are dealing with entitled A-Holes who probably have ear buds in each ear and oblivious to whats going on around them.
Please, fellow motorcyclists, please…don't ride next to cars especially on their right side unless you can see into the front passenger window. Make yrself visible, for the love of god. Sure the drivers "should" check but you gonna bet yr life on it? Really?
#4 you honk, then speed up to block him? then honk again? Come on man, be better. Grow up.
Drivers like 5:39 are who I’m talking about when I say they don’t have true ‘accidents’, they only cause collisions. Driving like a jackass causing problems for everyone on the road. Hate these drivers with a passion and it’s more than just knowing how to drive, they’d have to change their whole personality.
It's amazing how many stupid distracted people are driving today. I almost get hit at least five times every day that I drive in a hours time running errands. It used to be called an alien abduction, but now it would be considered a rescue, there is no intelligent life down here.
#21 – Tourette's Guy, that you bro lol??
11. Name that song?
#23 what’s going on. Waiting on ur slow a$$
#5 also "cammer doesn't stop for pedestrian trying to cross at a crosswalk and almost hits them…"
Cammer definitely is the worse offender here.
#16 Seriously, who says "…the Tesla" instead of just saying "…my car"? "I was driving the Tesla the other day, and realized that I…" What a knob.
number 5 is a dumbass for not letting the guy walk the crosswalk! but then honking at someone else…
The camry taking out a Dodge ram never seen that before
That NJ was weak, there are much better trash driver in nj than that
It's sad but you're better off not being nice and letting someone go through. Don't stop and let someone cross the traffic. The other lane doesn't know that's what you're doing and won't stop. You are the cause of the crash if you do it, even if you are not legally responsible. On the other side of things, don't go if someone lets you through. Be patient and wait until traffic clears or go further down the road and turn around.
Poor guy in Detroit.
145. Driver doesn’t stop at cross walk and almost hit pedestrian! See that. It goes both ways!
#5 that was good karma payback for blowing past the pedestrian in the crosswalk.
So uhhh… perhaps 27., you can help me understand. Horn and no brakes? 🤷🏻♂️ How'd that work out for ya?
1:00 "a wild karen" jesus
0:46 i always find tgese type of people interesting get on highway & jump all the way to the passing lane
"F*CK! F*CK! F*CK!" Everyone was ok lol
That was a bold move for the Kia Soul driver in the 11th clip.
16. As a truck driver, I'm suprised the mitigation system didn't stop the truck because I driven the same model as that Freightliner.🤔
After driving for 20yrs in Boston I can tell you the name Masshole is a stereotype for a reason!!
Number 21 seriously needs anger management classes. Holy moly!
2:00 that's called karma – driver doesn't stop for pedestrian, then 2 seconds later almost gets t-boned
#5 Good job ignoring the guy trying to legally cross at a crosswalk.
3:10 PSA for all of you safe drivers out there: if you see a 2015-2021 Kia Forte, Optima, Rio, Sedona, Soul, and Sportage or 2015-2016 Hyundai Optima Hybrid and Sorento, then keep your distance.
26. Plenty of people drive in that lane. However they are usually just going from one exit to the next.
lol #5 upset about a car not stopping for them when they didn't stop for the pedestrian in the crosswalk.
#16: just had to mention you drive a tesla, huh??
diverging diamonds are shit. shiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Hilarious when people say they nor cops can't find someone when they have video of a clearly visible license plate…