There’s been a lot of reaction to the video of an Arkansas state trooper ramming into the back of a pregnant woman’s car, causing her to flip over. The controversial police technique is called a PIT maneuver, and it’s led to a number of accidental fatalities. At least 30 people have been killed in PIT maneuvers since 2016. Eighteen stemmed from minor traffic offenses. Jim Moret went to a Las Vegas road course to feel what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a PIT maneuver – and it was dizzying. #InsideEdition
that lady doesnt deserve to raise a baby if shes going to put her baby in danger like that and take off from police.
Pull over, it’s not a difficult concept to grasp. Pits should be implemented more imo, and hearing ‘innocent’ people dying in them is hilarious
Pits save more lives than they end.
Was that baby balck 😅
if they dont wanna die just…. pull over
isn't it a felony not to stop for police she put her and her baby in danger should charge her with child endangerment
How about these fools stop when the police tell you to that's the problem the criminals have all the rights just pull over
Like many tactics and resources available to US law enforcement. Most of the time unnecessary fatalities or injuries occur its because of poor training.
That pregnant woman, she was speeding, so she was putting her own life and her babies life in danger.
The solution is simple: See the flashing lights, hear the woo woo woo, pull over.
It really is that simple. Do that and no one gets to experience a PIT maneuver.
Here’s a thought….pull over when you get hit with them lights and you won’t have to worry about being hit with that pit. I hope preggers loses her lawsuit 💯
Right… Empower the criminals…thank you.
It’s not controversial. Just because you don’t like it.
If you ever get pit maneuvered just do a J turn
If you don’t want to get pitted, just pull over. This woman’s case was different. She shouldn’t have been pitted.
If you don't want to die, STOP. SIMPLE.
Lol I’m pregnant!!!!
We need to start using more often for anyone who doesnt pull over
I have no remorse for a Pitt maneuver done to a Ford absolutely the ideal vehicle to demonstrate this😂they should have chosen a 80's Foxbody instead to ruffle some feathers.
It has my vote. Stop or see Jesus
Why didn’t the pregnant lady stop again?
Criminals fleeing kill innocent children, not the pit maneuver.
It takes a special kind of stupid to do this test in a convertible.
Don’t want to get pitted…pull over cry babies.
It sounds like this officer needs to be sent on a review course because, according to other reports, this woman was following the drivers manual for the state of Arkansas to the letter! She had her flashers on! She was looking for a safe place to stop! She deserves some kind of compensation.