In manual transmission cars, some drivers partially press down on the clutch pedal to make the engine operate more smoothly. Some drivers even have the habit of resting their foot on the clutch pedal. This is known as ‘riding’ the clutch. However, do you know that this habit is really bad for your car? This video illustrates the physics behind ‘riding the clutch’ and its consequences in a logical manner.
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Personally I think this is a pretty dumb video. Everything is explained correctly but saying that riding the clutch is bad for your car kind of misses the point. Using the brakes is also bad for your fucking car. If you use your brakes to slow down the car they will wear down and break eventually. No shit. Everything in your car will break eventually. The clutch is designed to handle forces like this and as long as you don't overheat it or slip it unnecessarily, it will handle the use just fine for many years. And the cost to replace a clutch isn't fucking prohibitive either. What is the point of this video? If you don't want your car to wear down, don't fucking use it at all.
Thank you for the knowledge
What great animation!!!
half clutch is very useful when you are driving on a slope you can easily pick up the car instead of doing it by handbrake
on modern manuals you have to partially press in the clutch when shifting from 1st to 2nd as well due to the rev hang modern cars have otherwise you will be shifting either extremely slowly or jerking your trasmission but thats just the the clutches job theres a lot of fear mongering around this but the clutch is durable and not a hard fix if it does wear out id rather hold the clutch at the bit point for a second then jerk my transmission and drive shaft
how is "riding the clutch when engine is about to stall" an avoidable situation? How are you not supposed to ride the clutch when on a very slow corner for example? The engine would stall otherwise. They literally teach you this as a basic technique to ride in very slow traffic in driving school.
To pick car when it is at rest , we do "Riding the clutch" right? 😂 , nothing happens bro modern clutch plates are strong enough and designed by taking this things in account
The riding the clutch sounds like it acts like a drum break internally , that won’t last long . Look at brakes they wear out imagine how bad something not designed to be a brake would be at such RPMs .
Partial engagement of the clutch, shortens the life of the clutch plates, increases fuel consumption, your engine overworks than it should for the given distance of travel. More fuel consumption means more pollution and its very annoying to hear a car engine over revving while moving slower than it should.
Well ok, your lesson tells in 95 percent the truth, but there are some situations, where you are forced to drive with a sliding clutch. If you are forced to drive very very slow when you drive through a blind exit where you have to give way to the cross traffic, the you have partially pressed the clutch. Here, you have to carefully feel your way out of the exit. (The last sentence was made by the artificial intelligence of DeepL.) Don't know if it is correct, but I think you'll get what I mean.:)
Thanks very much for this information ❤
You can avoid riding the clutch by going into neutral gear when you feel the engine is going to stall then go back to a suitable gear depending on your current car speed
I killed this habit later on when I first started driving. But I still do it during stop and go traffic unfortunately
Then what to do when you want to get moving when stopped in the first gear? I was taught to first release the clutch halfway until the car starts to shake a little bit, then realease the brake and start putting pressure in the accelerator. I have absolutely no idea how get the car moving otherwise. And honestly, it doesn't really seem the correct way, it's pretty common that I let the car stall
Meanwhile people with automatic transmission cars What's that third pedal used for ??? 😮😮😮
Of course this is technically accurate… But as a driver u need to master different levels of clutch to micro control your car… If you dont want that, just go buy an auto…
😂 this has to be an American thing, thick as two planks
so clutch balance/clutch control in traffic is bad? hmm
5:12 the thing u looking for.
Is this really a thing? I have never seen anybody do this.
Here's a novel idea… how about downshift instead of ride the clutch. Thats what I do if im climbing a hill or if I need more power from the engine.
My dad asked me after around 3 years of asking why I wasn't as smooth as him, i told him 'I don't ride the clutch', to which he responded, 'Why not'. I wish we had this video back then.
Yeah, thats me😮
yeah up hill start you gotta be quick with it. unless you get exactly let go of the brake or hand brake which still puts wear somewhere
v6 bmw with shifter in Hawaii, iv'e seen it all!
is there really anyone who does that in any other gear than 1st or 2nd?
Whoever designed that Z4 should be in jail…. V6 engine with 8 headers….
Thank you very much 🥰
What if you fully pressed down the clutch, press the engine then release the clutch. This is fine right?
Who the fuck does this
Great video with good visuals details and good explanation.
how about the gear 1 then, when car started to move, u can just let go completly otherwise the engine is gonna be dead lol… exposure partial clutch is bad but without it, ur engine is gonna be damage, just use it as normal as u can