Black Panther VS All other Animals in Far Cry 5

Black Panther VS All other Animals in Far Cry 5
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A Black Panther fights all other Animals in Far Cry 5.
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About the Author: Admin


  1. Эта кошка к пантерам вообще не относится 😐
    Это просто пума, перекрашенная в чёрный, даже по звукам понятно

  2. A Wolf is killed a black panther!? WTF!? Panthers are 3rd largest cat in cat family and Wolf is just a normal dog. Panthers are leopards and jaguars and panthers have a stronger claws, teeth, bite than a wolf… and panther wins in agility, durability, exsperience, battle IQ, BIQ…

    Let's fight

    Stronger: panther

    Size: panther

    Speed: panther

    Agility: panther

    Durability: panther

    Exsperience: panther

    Weight: panther

    Height: panther

    IQ: wolf

    Inteligence: wolf

    Battle IQ: panther

    Better hunter: panther

    Cannies: panther

    Longer claws: panther

    Sharper claws: panther

    Teeth: panther

    Large: panther

    Bite: panther

    Hax: panther

    BIQ: panther


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