Dinosaur Extinction Started 10 Million Years Before The Asteroid Hit

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Why did the dinosaurs go extinct? We’ve all heard the theory about the asteroid that hit the Earth and destroyed the Dinos. But what if it was a myth we truly believed in? A new theory claims that dinosaurs would be wiped from Earth even without an asteroid. Let’s take a look at these 27 roarsome facts about dinosaurs…


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  1. I still find it an unsolvable Paradox that the Crocodilians survived. They are reptiles, too, and breathe air throughout their Lives. They Live and hunt, however, in rivers and estuaries. With all that Environmental Catastrophe going on, I would think there would have been Severe Acid Rain pollution of those aquatic systems. If the Crocs had NO living fish, and no Dinosaurs coming for a drink, then what could they have EATEN?!? Linda Koslowski??
    There WERE some Crocodile species., mind you, that did go extinct back then. There were even fifty foot long plant eaters in those days, and Crocs who hunted on land.

  2. Uhh…. A Dino egg cannot be as large as a beachball. If it was that large, the shell would be thicker and hence, oxygen would not be able to flow freely, causing the baby to suffocate. I researched a lot about prehistoric life. And, it would be nice if you did too before spewing out complete nonsense.

  3. That’s still not true the bible said tha theres still pepole living there and went extinct by drowning in a bin flood that rise until the clouds sky only a man named noah survived and also other animals survived by going on a ark dinos and other people died by not trusting noah

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