4:52 – that car wash gave them a literal carpool! 5:02 – maybe his gf understood the concept better than he wished… 7:46 – The Dukes of Hazzard try to make a comeback and fail!
9:10 – And one year later… Ninja Turtles! or Zombie outbreak.
Why put the bullshit laugh in, just let the videos do their thing
Go little blue fan, find your place in the world – we will miss you! Bye, bye
A collection of old and very old videos.
Did that girl at 5:50 say " I just sh$t my pants?"
Nobody warned the truck driver that the trailer was up in the air before he hit the bridge???
The two hookers you are looking for is at 8:24
3:43 That is the wrist
3:45 is the Elbow
Good question, now figure out where the Ankle is on a dog or cat
Good think I can turn the “music” down/off!
0:08 I hear it, but I don’t see the dolphin.
If you like FAIL clips, LIKE this comment!!

Great video
8:17 You're welcome.
4:52 – that car wash gave them a literal carpool!
5:02 – maybe his gf understood the concept better than he wished…
7:46 – The Dukes of Hazzard try to make a comeback and fail!
9:10 – And one year later… Ninja Turtles! or Zombie outbreak.
Why put the bullshit laugh in, just let the videos do their thing
Go little blue fan, find your place in the world – we will miss you! Bye, bye

Same clip all videos so fuc.. annoying
0:38 A RAGING Monopoly party has been RUINED!
damn… 8:17 ! Name please? Flend wants to know
Great video but I had to stop watching at 7:37 because that tune is just annoying now, it's used in every video on YouTube!