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Hero Animals That Saved Human Lives Caught On Camera!
In this video we’re going to show you some of the most beautiful and emotional moments when animals that saved human and other animals lives!
For copyright matters please contact us at: miniminter1992.29@gmail.com
uh guys…..this video is deceptive….its clearly showing animals saving OTHER ANIMALS!!! with limited clips of animals saving us…humans 😐 how fucking lame disliked for the deception…LOVED for the compassion of animals <3
Trop beau ❤❤❤❤
That rat was rataturvie
Thank you to all the good boys and girls. It doesn't matter what type of animals they are. That's why god gave us animals.
Predators have to eat too
I love it
Humans suck! Animals are the best!
@ 0:50 "Ok Fido, push Pedro then I'll throw the branch".
Camera, action….
Умные животные и спасают диуг друга .
Родители так рьяно защищают своих детей .
I watched this before very adorable
7분 봤는데 더이상 눈물나서 못보것다 ㅠㅠㅠ
what a emotional🥹But I'm tired of watching it. .😅
Dude i hate this… i mean cute whatever but for example the dog saving the cat, But the person just recorded it for money? Why didnt the person help?
The dog seeing a branch coming down and pushing the dude away was 😱
at 0:51 in the lower left corner you can see a hand pointing towards the man. The dog also observes this direction before the branch falls.
it's not very honest to repeat scenes.
4:03 good
I love that dog
There are so many duplicate clips in this that at one point I actually thought the video was just playing twice in a row. Awful video just for that. The video is over 30 minutes long and I can't for the life of me figure out why this was necessary, it doesn't seem like it's done to increase ads which makes it seem like an editing mistake. Which is somehow even worse
In the first 4-5 minutes of this video, 0 human lives were saved. 2 people may have been assisted by dogs…
where is the main theme 🙂
some videos are really great but seriously some are just s***, for example the one at 2.20 or something there where the person just filming the cat drowning until the dog jumped in i mean wtf put your phone away for the fucking fame and help them
Sorry, but what of bunch of misinterpretations of animal behavior…
1:30 What about other dog?
I don't like the repeated stories in the same posting
Not saying animals are not smart but you can see most of the animals are just simply trained…how do you know this? The camera is never droped and it records the animal and follows the animal…most of this videos are staged.
7:17 You should do more research, It is well known the pig saving a goat was a commercial for some TV show you can see the making of it on here at youtube