What’s going on Graveyard Shift Family?! I need everyone’s eyes and ears clocked in on this one?! What did we catch on this video?! Is it an apparition? Is it a mist? Or is it just some low floating fog? If so, then why does it seem to take on a humanly form? And I seem to notice it in real time without seeing it on tape?! Y’all be the judge!! Let me know your thoughts in the comment section! And pleas be sure to LIKE and SHARE this video!! LOVE LOVE LOVE
#scary #creepy #paranormal #cemetery #graveyard #haunted #spirit #ghost #ghosthunting #spiritbox
You never disappoint! I have been waiting for you to go to New Orleans! Amazing video!
I just saw the man walking I saw his shadow wow wow
@Divasparks2413 This is awesome!
@Donnasparks2413 dont forget to always cleanse and tell them they are not allowed to follow you home❤
You definitely caught something there! I've seen those before!
This seems to be a laid-back cemetery. They didn't seem unfriendly.
I hate to ruin it for everyone, but since you had pointed this out in a video and a short before, I watched that spot the whole time during this video, and it seems there is a restaurant or business across the street right there that has a chimney, as smoke or steam puffed out right there and went across all through this video. At least 5-6 times. As much as I want to believe there was a ghost there, I can't after watching this. Take care of yourself and don't get in trouble, Dalen!
From 8.31-8.52 a white mist apears behind you on your right side
Then 9.37-10.01 its beautiful ❤🙏🏻
Love cemeteries I know its sad cz of the loss but the nemories & the peace are always there 🙏🏻
From my understanding in New Orleans those who practice go to the graveyard and use the dead. You also have grave robbers.
Love New Orleans never been there but it has moved up a spot on my bucket list of places to go. ❤ where did you stay when you were there Dalen?
2am is the best time to visit spirits.
There is such a dark, traumatic history in New Orleans…I have always felt a "presence" when I go around the city.
I would have FREAKED out!!!!
Hello from London England 😊
I can see the spirit walking by near the graves misty white a few times
What’s up dog you alright
Thank you for doing this video although the sports won't let me finish watching it 😅 crazy gave me a terrible headache I guess them and my people were Feuding in the past, I'm from Louisiana but more Country don't really know 😂 what happened, thanks again Love your videos ❤
Thank you, Dalen, for your videos and the videos that you are doing now is so awesome. Keep up the awesome work.
If you ever get back to Tennessee, look up Ryan Upchurch, he owns the ghost Ranch. He’s very nice. He’s got a bunch of followers. It might help your channel. He’s a good rapper good country singer once again, Ryan Upchurch.
That's cool. 😊
It's 9/25/2023 where you get the T Shirtssss!!!!!
Sometimes a person gotta do what you gotta do !!! Just do it !!! 🤣😘
It looked like a spirit dog to me. I seen it several times.
OMG! I see the spirit that you are talking about!!! That is wonderful!