From scary footage of a police investigation that possibly shows paranormal activity to a creepy clip from the Mexico UAP hearings that might show aliens, this scary footage will make you scream! #Scary #Creepy #SlappedHam
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6. Scariest Police Body Cam Footage | Paranormal Caught on Tape – Real OR Fake? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cYZ8KyhsDec
5. Canal del Congreso https://www.canaldelcongreso.gob.mx/EnVivo/-/451
4. Terrible things like this happens all over, https://www.tiktok.com/@lisamc40/video/7246524353062391066
3. Queen Mary Pool Room Ghost https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/16fn8hj/queen_mary_pool_room_ghost/
2. A family grouped together for a picture at a get together… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=208759892144125
1. For those who have not seen this… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10230707326329530
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Yeah that guy was definitely try that kidnapped that girl he could have closed that door any time God bless that lady
Purrnormal activity
The grandma in the pic is pareidolia. The nose is the corner of the mantle. If you look you will see it. Now I can’t un-see it
The Queen Mary ghost looks to me like just another visitor or worker who strayed into the photo without being seen at the time.
And number 2 family photo – could be pareidolia or a double exposure of one of the other people in the photo. Incidentally, if deceased members should want to appear in their family/friend photos why do they usually hover semi-obscured lurking behind the living members? Why not appear in front or more visible?
The picture at number one would have been moving if it so obviously wasn't fake. The silhoutte is clearly that of a dog with huge ears, so either he has picked up the ghost of a dog (which I very much doubt) or this is fake AF.
Be vigilant always when it comes to your children. Make sure they are always safe!!!!❤❤❤
That waste of sperm was not rushing to close his car door. That was a planned kidnapping. The lady who saved her from a possible day from hell needs to be recognised as a hero. Just shows MOST people in the world are good people.
Dude…I wonder how often this actually happens 2 cops!!
Thanks for sharing our video! Your channel is FANTASTIC and quite frightening! 👻❤️😊
Of all the monsters caught on camera, humans are the scariest. Thank goodness that vender woman saved that child.
CGI and Photoshop is an amazing creation. 😂
another great content clips.. Kallen
At 9 minutes 20 secs if you look at the photo of the grandmother and the ghost to me there is no resemblance. I think the spirit looks like a boy. I could be wrong but I definitely don't see the grandmother. On a funny side to this clip the baby looks like he's looking at his mum's top region and thinking mmm lunch.
Thank goodness for the quick thinking of the vendor who possibly DID prevent a kidnapping. The fact that if that is what is happening doing it in broad daylight is stupid. Any time of day or night is stupid. Don't do it to begin with. I would be so grateful to that vendor if that had been my child.
AHHHHH!!! that video really made me scream, truly a scary video Slapped Ham 👍
Was that Line of duty om the TV in the background? 😂
This dude is obsessed with pareidolia, he must fit it into each video.
The first clip where woman returns home to open door and 2cops head in to investigate,, WHY ON EARTH with the woman there, would they NOT SWITCH all the lights on in the house, no need for flashlights and darkness, she could tell them the location of light switches 🤔😔
I worked on the Queen Mary for years as partof the maintenance team. Down in the engine room, which is now a vast open space, i saw a ball of steam about tje size of a basketball, which didnt dissapate, i walked toward it and the ball of steam absorbed in a bulkhead! I kept going over the situation over and over to rationalize it. The steam system has been deactivated since 1967!
Always keep a keen eye trained on the vulnerable, people and animals alike. Those who prey upon them are tirelessly looking for that one moment to have their way.
Be mindful, in particular, of your own vulnerability. Know ahead of time how you will prevail if attacked. There is a winning move for every attack. You only need to know of just a few options to walk away with your life.
Spoof, why didn’t the police officers just switch on house lights in first clip? Obvious staged video!!