Total Idiots In Cars 2023 #104 | CAR CRASH COMPILATION | DASHCAM idiots || TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK
On FunBOX ONE you find a unique, original and large selection of videos on motifs of road rage, driving fails, instant karma, car accidents, idiots in cars, car crash compilations, failure and many others videos and shorts.
► DISCLAIMER: We create these videos solely for EDUCATIONAL purposes and only to show our viewers what the consequences can be if the traffic rules are not observed and if the drivers are not attentive. We urge every driver to be very careful when they get into the car and drive safely.
► Don’t forget to get comfortable and enjoy watching this video…
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► Thank You For Watching And Drive Safe!
#driverfails #carfails #dashcam
Totally funny the guy at the end jumping out of the truck to chase the car then having to chase after the truck! 😂😅
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[AlLaaHu a'lamu]
ma ce t
(cat-me/☝️me-cat/eat-cm/c-eat-m/m-eat-c/meat-c/c-meat/t{f}me-ca/f-ema-ct{K}/{°e=0e=oe=OE=crat-crit-crut-cret-cr00t=👻}ce-at-Vl{jeanssenja}fm/senja-at fem-l{i}V{S}c{he}/l-if-e-m{E} ja-t-ah c-ee{i}S-n-sV/☝️Se-n see t if l{r}E ma-ja-ic-Vh{TaNa-i}/c-iN-Ta a-Kh{g}ir j-am-an E-i-Se-feets/…)
[AlLaaHu a'lamu]