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About the Author: Admin


  1. Hello everyone!! This is the best of the TRUCKS from this year.

    Don't forget to share like, and comment and feel free to CLICK the notification bell so you are updated on my next clip.

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  2. I want you to tell me how much is in a Trailer on and 18 wheeler, tell me how much it weighs??? It weighs at least 30,000 lbs, that is 10 times the weight of your car. The trailer could be full and they would be close to 80,000lbs, that is Over 26 times the weight of your car and the driver sits high enough to see to drive. Who do you think will win if you get into an accident with a fully loaded truck???? Use your Brains people because in an accident at any speed with a truck, even an empty one you may not think ever again. These people are out there and they put up with a hell of a lot. Don't make their jobs harder or more dangerous.

  3. 5{42: 'Past' not 'passed' 7:18 A most common cause of accidents, a truck driver sees an idiot trying to pass in a dangerous place and becomes an idiot himself by refusing to slow down and make a gap for safety. 33:37 another example of the same thing, why not just slow down, remember, it is much better to have an idiot in front where you can see him/her than risk having your vehicle customised. 36:11 Here we go again, the cam owner can see what is happening, the idiot is going to cross in front of him and he does nothing about it risking his life instead of braking and allowing time for the other suicide pilot to get clear. the the cam owner gilds the lily, chasing after the idiot in a truck that size, not giving a damn for the safety of other road users, overtaking on double yellows and is surprised when the idiot hits him as he brake checks. What a d*ckhead! 48:35 The most idiotic of the lota so-called professional driver refuses to let a car in using the immortal words "If you had a blinker I would let you in." has this fellow had a brainectomy or does he feel that a flashing light is essential to work the steering — it isn't and it was obvious what the car driver wanted to do so why not let her in like a knight of the road instead of acting like a sh*te if the road? Every single person who has handled a steering wheel has at sometime made a mistake, it may be worth thinking that for the "moron" who just carved you up, it was his time to make his and leave it at that. At sixty miles an hour we travel at 22 yards a second by the time your foot moves from gas pedal to brake, you have covered at least ten of those yards, that's why your eyes have to be watching a mile in front of you and every inch in between.

  4. Looks to me there too many unqualified truck drivers out there. I’m talking about the truck vs truck stuff. We all know that a lot(most) car drivers are stupid but truckers supposed to be a cut above the average driver.

  5. Is it so difficult to simply keep your distance and be considerate of others (trucks and cars)? Everyone in America must insist on their rights. Just don't let anyone in the gap. But when I look at how you get your driver's license, this behavior is no wonder.

  6. No matter what I drive, I’m ALWAYS looking at least a 1/2 mile down the road and ALWAYS keep my distance to what’s in front of me.

    My head is always on a swivel and I’m constantly looking in my mirrors.

    Too many assclowns on the road.

  7. NEVER LEAVE GAPS FOR PPL TO TURN THROUGH TRAFFIC ITS DANGEROUS. Male them turn right and go around. Its insane cutting through 2-3 lanes into opposite traffic they cannot see

  8. 57:20 it's not all about truck sway bars. Seem to me that caravans are not designed to be stable There is a thing about centre of effort vs centre of gravity that applies to all moving objects from kayaks to caravans to planes.

  9. Strange law, in Australia and many other countries brake check on a main highway or main road is considered dangerous driving, if one suspect brake problems they are to pull on the side of the road or breakdown lane. After watching many incidents, without a dash cam one can easily fall victim of fraudulent drivers.

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